Womb thickening

  • 1 reply
  • 84 subscribers

Hi all 

I’ve just been for transvaginal scan which is showing my womb at 16mm so awaiting biopsy date 

I had a hysteroscopy 3 year ago when I was 11mm thickening. The results of this showed clear. So a mirena coil was put in to prevent thickening. Fast forward 3 years I’m now at 16mm and so frightened. Not sure why I wasn’t supposed to get a follow up check to make sure all was ok after the first hysteroscopy. 
Ive recently finished breast cancer treatment and on tamoxifen since May. 
my world is falling apart at the minute as I am a single parent and have a young son. And not sure how much more stress my body  can take. Please help x 

  • Hi Army

    I'm so sorry you've been having a rough time but you have come to the right place to get advice and support as we all understand how worrying the not knowing and waiting around can be, although with you having already been through breast cancer treatment these feelings won't be new to you.

    I don't have any knowledge or experience of Mirena Coils so can't offer any advice but there may be other ladies on here who can share their experiences.

    The only advice I can give is to not think too much about what may lie ahead which I know is easier said than done...so I would suggest just focusing on the appointment for the biopsy and getting through that and taking any further steps one at a time.  

    Do you still have access to a CNS as it may be worth giving them a call to discuss your concerns, if not you could contact the Macmillan helpline who will be able to listen and offer you support...either way you're not alone in this as there are plenty of ladies on this forum who will help in whatever way they can.

    I presume their is a breast cancer group on this site, as it may be worth you joining that forum as well as their could be other's who have found themselves in the same situation as you.

    Take care and let us know how you get on.