Feeling lost and scared

  • 22 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi all I went to see the consultant on 27 July expecting to be told there were pre cancerous cells maybe, but was told the cells in the biopsy were actually cancerous. To be honest I didn’t really take much else in after that it was such a shock. I am now having a full hysterectomy on 19th but haven’t had a CT scan or MRI just an X-ray of my chest. They hope to do keyhole surgery but say because I have not had children this may not be possible so I won’t know until I wake up which it is. I’m putting on a brave face for friends and family but inside I’m really frightened. 

  • Hi Cornishlass. you have come to the right place to get support from people who understand exactly how you feel.  So many of us felt well before our diagnosis of cancer so we know it can come as a big shock.  I have never had children but the surgeon was still able to remove my womb, ovaries, fallopian tubes and cervix using robotic keyhole surgery so it is possible but not guaranteed until they actual do the operation.  Hospital trusts do seem to vary regarding X-rays, CT/ MRI scans and whether these are done or not.  Any questions or concerns you have please ask as between us this group has been through most things.  XX

  • Hi Cornishlass, sorry that you find yourself here, it's such a shocking, worrying time, but you will find everyone here understands how you are feeling and will answer any questions however silly they seem. All the ladies here are very helpful and supportive. You can read my story by clicking on my profile name, all hospitals seem to have different policy's for scans etc, I just had an MRI, no x-ray or CT scan. It's just come up to 3 years since my hysterectomy but I still like to check in with the group now and then and answer any questions I feel I can help with. I will be thinking of you on the 19th.

  • Hi Cornishlass

    All the ladies on here know exactly how you feel and the feelings of a what a cancer diagnosis can bring. I know the first few weeks my mood changed from complete despair to feeling positive then back to despair again, but this got easier once I had my MRI and got an initial staging...its the not knowing that makes it harder to cope with and I was very scared of the situation I found myself in.  

    I also haven't had children and my consultant did warn me beforehand that he may have to make a larger incision if they were unable to remove everything through the vagina.  Luckily they were able to remove as planned - 6 weeks ago I had a robotic laparoscopy plus BSO (removal of tubes and ovaries, cervix etc) in addition to my lymph nodes - I have 5 small scars across my tummy just above my belly button and they are now healing well, so there is a good chance that you can have keyhole as planned, I think they just have to warn you that if there are any difficulties then a larger incision may be required.

    It's good that your surgery has been arranged quickly and that you haven't got to wait around too long.

    Let us all know how you get on.

  • Thank you Ejax it’s good to know it’s not just me (if that makes sense) it seems such a lonely place but it helps knowing that there are people who have been there done that and got the T-shirt who Blushe willing to share their experiences. BlushBlush

  • Hi - It makes perfect sense, this forum has been such a great support for me and it does make a difference to know others have been through the same situation and know exactly how we are feeling.  Family and friends can mean well but it does take someone who has been there to fully understand.

    I've just had an appointment come through for my full histology results which is this Thursday although have already been advised I'm now a stage 1a rather than a 1b which is great, although they were waiting on some other tests something to do with my cervix which might not be so great - I just hope I don't need any further treatment.  

    Anyway I'll be thinking of you on Friday ...hopefully you will be one of the first in theatre so less waiting around. Slight smile

  • I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you on Thursday hope all goes well BlushBlush

  • Hi Cornishlass,

    I hope you are feeling a little less shocked and are finding the lovely ladies on here a good support. There seems to be variation re tests pre surgery. I only had an ultrasound scan and biopsy before my first surgery, which was done as a daycase. Prior to the second surgery I had a CT scan, my surgery was the Friday, went home Sunday lunchtime.

    I found the Macmillan endometrial cancer booklet a good source of information, this can be found online if you don't have a copy yet. If you know what to expect, it can make it all a bit less daunting/frightening. 

    Let us know how you get on,

    A x

  • Hi Ejax hope all went well yesterday with your results. I’m sat at home waiting to go in this morning FlushedFlushedFlushed

  • Hi Cornishlass, thinking of you today - we will see you in the other side! Hope the WiFi is good there!

  • Thank you Marmitefan59 fingers crossed!