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  • 89 subscribers

I had a hysterectomy 7/7 . When the histology results came they said I needed radiotherapy due to “ vascular invasion “ .has anyone else had this problem. I was shocked I thought the hysterectomy would remove all the cancer.

  • Hello Jab, the very same thing happened to me. I was told that the surgery should be curative but following my hysterectomy was told I had LVSI. Like you I was shocked as I had no idea what it was! I was offered 25 daily external beam radiotherapy treatments because of this. I finished treatment at the end of May.  I never Googled anything and got lots of great real life information from this forum. If there’s anything you want to ask, please do . Take care x

  • Hi Jab, my cancer was staged 1A with the consultant “90% sure” I wouldn’t need any further treatment. After my hysterectomy it was restaged to a 2 because a few cancerous cells were found on my cervix, and radio and brachy were advised. I was shocked too and sat there stunned. They even showed me into another room where I could wait in peace while I got my head together. I was a bit of a mess until I had my first appointment with my oncologist and she was so confident and reassuring that I felt a lot better. I finished my treatment mid May this year,

  • Hi Jab,

    I have/had this as well. I stupidly read my discharge form for GP after my 2nd op, which said extensive LVSI, looked it up on Dr Google and then worried about it.

    I asked my CNS about it and I don't remember her words but she was dismissive as though it was an expected finding in my case.

    Try not to worry, it's better that it's been found so that you can be treated. Let us know how you get on with the radiotherapy, take care,

    A x

  • Hi I had my hysterectomy 5 years ago and histology results showed I had LVSI.  I was Stage 1a Grade 2. I had 25 rounds of external radiotherapy and 2 of brachytherapy and my 5 years from completing treatment will be in October.  I do have some long term damage but many people don't have any problems.   I can remember not really taking in the information when I was told.  I was struggling to understand the doctor anyway as he had a strong accent but luckily my daughter was with me and even then I didn't really know what it was all about.  I hadn't found this forum until I was about to start radiotherapy.  I hope all goes well with your treatment and there are plenty here to support you through it.

    Hugs, Lesley 

  • It seems to be fairly common, but what does LVSI stand for? 

  • Hi Lymph vascular space invasion. Normally if anyone has this and or presence in lymph nodes then radiotherapy and or chemotherapy is offered, sometimes with Brachytherapy.

    hugs, Barbxx

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