Feeling helpless

  • 2 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Following a biopsy, my mum was diagnosed at the end of June with cancer in the lining of her womb.  After a CT scan she was told it was stage 3 and had spread to her lungs and public bone. She is due to start chemo on Wednesday 10th but this weekend she has become much more lethargic and uncomfortable. She had problems urinating and now she is frequently having to get to the toilet. 

I'm trying to follow her lead with what she wants/needs but don't know if I should be doing more or calling the hospital?

My Dad is registered disabled and she was his carer therefore I am now trying to look after them both as well as my two young children. 

I'm doing my best to stay strong for everyone but really feel like I'm close to breaking point.

I really don't know what to do for the best. 

  • Hi and a warm welcome to you and your Mum to our spot in the Online Community. Give your Mum's CNS a call and ask for advice. I remember before I started my chemo I felt discomfort in various parts of my body as my bowels were affected. This all eased as the chemo worked so perhaps your Mum's bladder's being affected in the same way but she may also have developed a UTI so that needs to be checked out.

    It might be an idea to give the Macmillan Support helpline a ring on freephone 0808 808 0000 as ask someone's advice about getting additional help in for your Mum and Dad since your Mum is your Dad's carer. Also contact your GP's surgery if you haven't already done so.

    It's enormous burden on your shoulders at the moment, coping with the shock of your Mum's diagnosis whilst singlehandedly looking after your children and now both your parents, it's a lot to take on.

    Sending hugs, Barb xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Saeoax

    Sorry to hear yr trouble I was diagnosed with 4b cancer which has metastasised I’ve had lots of urine infections before and after chemo then I was going to the toilet frequently and pain thought it was another infection but my bladder area in my stomach was hard but I was passing some urine it didn’t serm as though my bladder was emptying properly so st my next consultation I mentioned it and they brought the ultrasound which showed I had lots of urine still in my bladder so I had to have a catheter which drained off 2 litres of urine before it settled down the consultant thinks my cancer  may be pressing against my bladder I had a trial without but not successful also my cancer has started growing again more or less a few weeks after the chemo hoc stopped o wax discharging and bleeding a bit so CT scan confirmed it so I’m now on hormone treatment tablets to shrink it again then things may be better and I can have the catheter out I’m just happy I can be treated I was diagnosed last Dec my story is in my profile I would do like Barbara said and ring her Cancer Nurse Specialist or the oncology take care and yr doing a fantastic job    

    Mo K