Delayed Hysterectomy

  • 14 replies
  • 86 subscribers

I was told last week and was told on Monday that my hysterectomy was being delayed. Today I found up could be about 2 months. Offered the Merina Coil. Has this happened to anyone else

  • Hi knitter,

    Sorry to hear that your surgery has been put back, did they not give you a reason.  The few times this has happened to other ladies, I've read on this site is that it is due to weight issues. Seems odd though, as they would have given advice etc. 

    Might be worth given your CNS or Consultants Secretary a ring to see if there are any other apts pending or to ask why.

    Amanda x 

  • Hi this happened to me last Tuesday. I was all preped and ready for a vaginal hysterectomy and as I was being wheeled in on the operating table I could hear my surgeon and the anaesthetist having a heated discussion. It was decided at the very last minute to not go ahead with surgery. Instead they gave me a general anaesthetic to do an internal examination and then put in 3 Mierna coils. 

    Was told after I came round from the anesthetic that I would see consultant in 6 weeks followed by another hysteroscopy in 6 months time. 

    It was only after I spoke with the assisting surgeon that I got more answers. The surgery was stopped due to my high BMI which ironically one hospital told me under no circumstances was I to loose weight before surgery as they wanted me as fit and healthy as I could be. The hospital im now under wants me to lose 2 stone before they'll reschedule the operation as a laprasopic/open procedure. The Mierna coils should im told in theory prevent the cancer from growing but it will still be there. 

    All I can tell you is go back to your CNS or consultant and ask for the exact reason and if it is weight ask them what the magic figure is that they will then perform the surgery at. 

  • Hello, do you mind me asking what your BMI is?  Mine is around 47 x

  • My BMI is 48 and due to have Robotic Hysterectomy due to my BMI but think delayed as need some equipment. 

  • Thank you, so as they haven't got the equipment you need a different one which you need to lose weight for?  So sorry they've done this x

  • I read that totally wrong, they don't have the equipment then :0(

  • Hupomone22 what is your BMI if you don't mind sharing, shocking treatment you've had, I just read your bio x

  • That's not high!  Well of course they will say it is but that's so unfair Disappointed