Just been diagnosed :( so many questions x

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Hello all,

I'm 42 and mum to 2 boys.  Back in March I had a very short period and the following month it just didn't stop, it wasn't heavy but I spotted for a month and had lots of bloating and pain.  I paid for a private ultrasound inside and out that found a thickening of the womb - 18mm and what they thought was a poly approx 14mm.  I went back to the consultant early May who said she couldn't perform the hysteroscopy and polyp removal due to my high BMI.  Thankfully my GP referred me to the NHS who performed the hysteroscopy on the 12th of July.

Hysteroscopy day came, 'oh, that's not a polyp' they took 2 biopsies and 4 biopsies all around my womb and said worse case scenario it will be pre-cancer cells and they may need to fit a coil.

I get the call to come in this Tuesday the 26th.  First time I've met my consultant and she said it's showing cancer, type 1.  She books me in for an MRI and CT scan but doesn't expect me to have these for a couple of weeks so will see me around the 16th, as it happens my nurse got me a cancellation that same night for the MRI with contrast and my CT is Sunday.  I will see my consultant again Tuesday the 2nd.

She said the next time I see her she will be able to tell me the results of the scans, if it is anywhere else and where it is in the womb, and she will book my in for a hysterectomy approx 2 weeks later.

This is all happening so fast, my head is spinning.  Has it happened this quick for anyone else, from what I am reading its usually a bit of a wait?  I am so scared for my results Tuesday, I just don't want to leave my boys to grow up without me, I don't know what to do with myself, I am devastated.

I have no idea at all what to expect now.

Alex x

  • Hi Alex, welcome to the group,  I'm sorry you are in a spin and understand how quickly it seems to have happened. I was right where you are in your journey 8 weeks ago,  14mm polyp on transvaginal ultrasound done Friday afternoon, the following Monday morning got a call from my GP, booked in for hysteroscopy, nearly 4 weeks after that phoned from hospital biopsy adenocarcinoma grade 1, booked in for MRI which shows it seems to be contained within the uterus although it was inside my cervix too. I have just had a call this steno saying my date for hysterectomy and BSO is next Friday 5th August. Such a rollercoaster of emotions.  It does all happen very quickly which really is for the best.  All the ladies on here are here for one another and are so supportive. Just ask anything anytime and hang in there xx

  • Hello Jane,

    Can I ask when your had the results of your MRI was? Also what is BSO and how long do they expect you to be in hospital? 

    sorry you are facing this too x

    thank you x

  • Hi Alicat

    Sorry that you have found yourself here with us. As Jane66 says you couldn't of come to a better place. The fantastic ladies on this site will be able to support and answer any questions you have based on their experiences or point you in the right direction to get the best advice.

    I know that your head must be spinning due to how quickly things are happening but that a good thing, The normal wait for a hysterectomy after being diagnosed it around 5 or 6 weeks. If you have been been given the cancer type as grade 1 that is very promising. I myself have grade 3 serous which is a more aggressive type of cancer.

    Once you have had your hysterectomy they will give you the histology report results which will give you the stage of the cancer, mine is 1A which means it was contained to the womb. There is a section on the Macmillan website that explains grades and stages.

    I know all of this must sound so confusing, I remember when I did my first post back in February, I was so confused but Barb who is our group leader ( sorry not sure what her actual title is) will I'm sure introduce herself to you soon and like she did with me and the other ladies point you to links and posts that will help. Also I couldn't of coped without the lovely ladies on this site.

    Don't think about your boys growing up without you, womb cancer is totally curable according to my consultant. Get your hysterectomy done and you can start getting well again.

    Please don't "goggle" there is so much out of date posts on the net. the best sites are Macmillan or Cancer research UK if you want more information, plus you should be given a CNS ( cancer nurse specialist) who will be there for you all the way. 

    Sending you a big virtual hug.

    Robin x

  • Thank you Robin.

    I think I need to ask her to write things down, it was all a bit of a confusing meeting and with face masks etc and feeling so shocked if probably wasn’t the best meeting to hear everything clearly. 

    I feel better for joining this group x

  • Hi Alex.  Sort you have found yourself on this site.  I know it is scary but things moving fast is a good thing.  The lovely ladies on here got me through it and I’m sure they will do the same for you.   Please don’t Dr Google, too much out of date information on there.   If you’ve got any questions or you are feeling nervous about anything just come back on here and you will get all the right answers.    

    I have just finished my treatment and I am feeling better.  I was given so much GOOD advice that I didn’t feel nervous going through each stage.   The waiting is the worst but you will get there.   

    sending you best wishes and a massive virtual hug.   Positive thoughts are the only thoughts you need.   Maureen 

  • Don't worry, you should of been given your CNS telephone phone number, these nurses are incredible and don't mind you calling to ask anything that's on your mind. they have access to your medical notes and if they don't know the answer to your question they will ask your consultant and get back to you.

    You will have a pre operation appointment but to be honest this is usually with a nurse who will ask you basic health questions, take blood, weight and Blood pressure. You will also see an anesthetist who will ask general health questions and explain what will happen on the day of the operation.  

    Some good advice given on this site was to ask if you can tape any appointments particularly if your on your own as they hive you so much information it's hard to remember everything. 

    We are all here for you honey, try not to worry. I know that's easier said than done.

    big hug Robin xxxx

  • Thank you Robin and Maureen, your advice is really helping me. I have got a nurses number and will call her tomorrow x

  • Hi yes of course,  I had my MRI on a Monday and the results were available for the meeting where the surgeon and other professionals meet to plan your treatment just 2 days later.  BSO is the removal of both fallopian tubes and both ovaries alnico with the uterus and cervix xx

  • Sorry I forgot to answer your question about how long I'm expected to be in hospital for,  if they manage to complete it robotically with laprascopic instruments 2 to 3 days,  if they have to convert to open surgery 5 to 6 days xx

  • Hi Alex, welcome to the group and we all feel for you as you get used to the rollercoaster ride! I was diagnosed mid November 21, had my MRI and X ray 4 days later, results 3 days after that, and had my hysterectomy 22nd January this year. So that was about 8 weeks - but they apologised for that as there was such a long waiting list. I think the average is 6-8 weeks, but some in this group have had their quicker than that, and it just meant their hospitals had caught up post lockdown and were super organised. Reading between the lines I imagine you’re worrying in case the speed means it’s serious - it doesn’t. The MRI/CT will give the preliminary staging - but the staging won’t be fully confirmed until the histology comes back after your hysterectomy. Regarding the hysterectomy, I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy lunchtime on the Saturday and came home lunchtime Sunday. Some hospitals even do same day op and home.