Diagnosis confirmed

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  • 87 subscribers

On 13 July I had a transvaginal ultrasound followed up by an appointment with the consultant who took biopsies from the lining of my womb. I had been fast tracked by my GP surgery for unexplained post menopausal bleeding. At my follow up appointment on 20 July I was told that the biopsies did show cancer. Whilst I thought I was prepared for the worst it still came as a shock and have been in a constant daze since then. It didn't help that yesterday I went to the funeral of a friend's father who had died of cancer! The consultant told me I would need a hysterectomy but couldn't be more specific until I've had an MRI and X ray. She also said she was slightly surprised with the diagnosis as I have hardly any of the known risk factors apart from being 69. I feel slightly better today knowing that my referral, initial investigations and follow-up appointment have all been very speedy, just trying to find the positives. My only close family is my brother who I told yesterday and, unsurprisingly, I shed a few tears. Other than that I'll wait until I've had my further tests before I tell any of my close friends. On the plus side I feel physically OK, as much as I did before the diagnosis. I'm still getting intermittent spotting and light bleeding so have had to familiarise myself with the 'feminine hygiene' section of the supermarket again - thought those days were well and truly behind me! I'm finding this forum very therapeutic and supportive. It's so helpful being able to transfer your thoughts and worries out of your head into writing.

  • Hi, My story is sort of similar to yours. I'm 67 post menopaus for some time.  Out of the blue about 2 weeks ago I started bleeding, not too heavily but definitely bleeding  this lasted 3 days.  Saw my GP who had a look & said she couldn't see anything so if there was a problem it was deeper in. She put me on 2 week pathway and told me to wait for appoiintne for ultra sound. I got home and an hour later they phoned with an appointment. Anyway I had my ultra sound, they told me there and then everything looked fine and I could go home.

    I thought that was it. I then got a phone call from the hospital saying that the consultant wanted to see me I asked why they didn't seem to know other than it was for an examination.  Got my appointment on Tuesday and I'm now worried.

    If anyone has any idea why I might be going back please let me know. Could there still be problems even though the lining of the womb was fine.


  • Hi KizzySue

    I can only advise from my own experience but did you have a biopsy taken at your ultrasound appointment and / or a hysteroscopy?  If not it maybe that they want to do these tests and that's why they have contacted you.

    When I had my hysteroscopy the Dr at the time couldn't see any irregularities, however a biopsy was taken and I was later diagnosed with a phase 1 endometrial cancer. (I am now just over 2 weeks post surgery).

    Obviously this may not be the reason you have been called in for an appointment and there could be a number of reasons but I'm not sure whether they can rule cancer in or out just from an ultrasound, but there may be other ladies with more knowledge who can advise better on this.

    I won't say try not to worry as it's impossible not too when your head is spinning and you don't have all the answers.  I hope it all goes well for you on Tuesday and if you do have any further questions then the ladies on this forum are fantastic and will help and support you through whatever the outcome is.

    Take Care.

  • Hi KizzySue, I agree with Ejax, it may be for a hysteroscopy. You may find you get a letter between now and then explaining. 

  • Hi SH53

    I think all the ladies on this forum can relate to the shock of receiving a cancer diagnosis, and that at the start there is a lot of waiting around and not knowing which can be extremely difficult.  I myself went from feeling really positive one minute to feeling there was no hope the next.  I had to wait around 2 weeks for my MRI and then a further week or so to get the results, however  the jubilee bank holiday delayed the MDT meeting (This is a meeting where medical professionals will decide on what the best treatment options are).  The MRI will show what the initial staging of the cancer is and how best to proceed.

    I'm sure MrsBJH will be responding to you soon as well as she has links to a lot of information that may be helpful to you.

  • Hi SH53, glad things are progressing for you - even though it’s a shock and scary, it’s good that things are moving along - I hope you get your date for your MRI and X Ray quite soon. After my diagnosis my appointment came through for only 4 days later which surprised me. Have you had an MRI before? 

  • SH53, here’s an excellent Macmillan link all about endometrial (womb) cancer - far better to stick with Macmillian and this group than googling!


  • Hi SH53

    I am sorry you find yourself in the waiting game position.  As I understand it the radiologist makes an initial report to the consultant who then checks all the scan information  I think your next appointment could be for a hysteroscopy/ biopsy to make sure everything is as the scan reports but if I were you I'd call them on Monday and speak to someone who knows what it is you are going for just to ease your mind and be prepared as it's the not knowing what is going on that is stressful. Come back and tell us how you went on, this group is full of a lovely bunch of ladies who are very supportive of one another.  Take care

  • Thank you Ejax. It's kind of you to reply to me. Ii just have to wait I guess.

  • Thank you for replying  Marmitefan59. Hope I may hear something Monday.

  • Hi KizzySue. If the next appointment is in order to have hysteroscopy and biopsy, just to let you know that if you find it hard to tolerate please let them know and don't suffer in silence. For some of us it is painful and in that case we can have pain relief or even anaesthetic. It's not an endurance competition! Good luck and I hope your investigations go well and your problems can be fixed easily. I required surgery but no further treatments and I am back running races, riding my bike and climbing hills. (But why??? Wink ) LR.