They had a meeting about my womb and I wasn’t invited

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Hi I’m 51 mum of 4 and I have just been told I have cancer of the womb and they want to do an hysterectomy. But I’m worried that they won’t be able to do one as I’m very overweight and I have COPD. 

  • I can’t offer any advice, but I wanted you to know that I’m sending you a big virtual hug X

  • Thank you, it’s just all very new to me and a little bit scary. However I should know by tomorrow evening what they are planning to do. Thank you so much for your virtual hug it means a lot x 

  • Hi Tia

    I’m a mum of 3 and also very overweight and diabetic. I was diagnosed today and I was worried that I would be too big for surgery but the consultant is going ahead with it and believes he can still do it laparoscopically. I’m booked in for 11th August. I hope you’re not kept waiting too long to find out x 

  • Hi Mavis, I don’t really know what to say about your diagnosis as my self I find it strange when people say I’m sorry, (why are they sorry they didn’t cause it lol), but I do feel for you it is hard to be told that you have the dreaded c word, I found out to say that they are going to do my surgery but I don’t know when as I have to go and see the doctor from another hospital and he only visits our hospital twice a month so it looks like I won’t get mine until the end of August beginning of September. I work in a school so was hoping to have it done in the next couple of weeks so I could go back to school in September but the can nurse said that wouldn’t happen. 

  • Hi Tia, I share your feelings about the word sorry and I personally never use it when someone tells me they have been diagnosed with cancer. I didn’t like it when people said they were sorry I had it because I don’t want things about my life causing other people to feel sorry. It’s just my weirdness lol. I appreciate your wanting your op to be done as soon as possible but the reality is that it typically takes about 8 weeks from diagnosis to operation. You will probably need 6-8 weeks off work after your op too. Have you had a staging MRI or CT yet?

  • Hi Tia and Marmite, I feel the same about the word sorry. It makes me feel very uncomfortable which is a big reason I’m dreading telling others . 

  • I know what you mean, no they haven’t said anything about having a MRI or CT they said from the biopsy that I had stage 1 so I’m not sure and that when they take it out they will do a biopsy on it to see if I need to have anymore treatment, have you had a MRI or CT, the hardest part of all of this is the not knowing I think, I just want the hysterectomy all over and done with. 

  • Hi Mavis, everyone is different but I personally kept it to a minimum who I told. I told my husband on the day I found out, but only told my 2 adult children once I’d got the predicted grade and stage. I also told a couple of friends whose reactions I could trust. When I got my op date, I told a few more people - but only that I was having a hysterectomy, not why I was having it. I found most people just accepted that without question and it provided me with a bit of support without fuss or drama. Then after my op, I told a few more why I’d had it, but still kept it under wraps till I had my histology results. I only really went fully public on it after my treatment (radiotherapy and brachytherapy) had finished. I’m glad I did it the way I did because I wouldn’t have wanted to be constantly asked how I was, talked to/treated differently, had unhelpful things said, I or be fussed over. I needed to conserve my emotional energy to keep my own mind on track without worrying about other people’s reactions. I’d suggest you just go with your gut about what’s right for you, just you. 

  • Hi again Tia, they’re more likely to have told you grade 1 rather than stage 1. The terminology can take some getting used to and can be confusing! I was told probable grade 1 after my hysteroscopy, then had a staging MRI and chest X ray to check for any spread - found out after that that there wasn’t so my probable staging was stage 1. After that I had a pre op assessment a couple of weeks later, then had an appointment with my new surgeon and he gave me my op date. 

  • Marmite no she definitely said stage one as I asked my hubby and he said she said stage 1, but I guess until they do all the other tests we really won’t know what it is that I’m facing really , like you I’ve only told a handful of people like my children as they are all grownups and a couple of close friends, the one person I regret telling was my dad as he thought it was up to him to tell my brother when I had already told dad not to say anything to anyone as I would tell people when I’m ready,   I had to tell the headmaster at the school I work in as I don’t think I will be back in September when school goes back and I’ve told my boss at the catering firm I work for but that is it as I’m not ready for the questions and the pitying looks that you get from people or them just talking about me. I’ve just told the girls I work with that I’m having a hysterectomy and left it at that. Like I said to my husband it’s my cancer and I will deal with it my way and tell people when I’m ready x