Endometrial cancer

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  • 87 subscribers

I am a 69 year old that has been very active, eats well maintained a health weight , on no medication no health issues up until now 

May 17,2022

started having watery discharge , went through all the tests

July 14 2022 was diagnosed with High Grade Endometrial Carcinoma P 53 Abnormal 

my Dr was out of town but the office gave me a copy of my Pathology Report at my request the on call Dr provided very little explanation 

I had an appointment Sept 5 with a Gynaecologist 

because of my results they have bumped me up to next week July 21,2022

I am wondering just what these findings mean

any one eles have the same?

From what I’ve been able to look up it doesn’t sound good

appreciate any input 

  • Morning SassyL53, welcome to the group and well done for posting and sharing. You’ve had the shock of a cancer diagnosis, to which we can all relate, and it sounds like perhaps the news wasn’t delivered in the most helpful way. I imagine you may be still reeling from the news, and that your mind is desperately trying to take it all on board and try to move forward. Have you had a staging MRI/CT yet? Also have you been given the contact details for your CNS team (cancer nurses who are there to support you)? I know it’s difficult but try not to Google. If you need info, stick to reputable sites like Macmillan or Cancer Research UK. With the grade you have, it’s likely you may be offered an op and treatment, BUT it wouldn’t be right for us to speculate as we’re not your medical team. Also your grade and stage won’t be confirmed until the histology results post op. I’m glad you’re being seen quickly, though I imagine even these 3 days may drag a bit. There are ladies here with high grade cancers who’ve had or are having treatment and are doing well. You can do this and there are lovely people here who can support you. 

  • Hi SassyL53 

    So sorry you find yourself on here.  Its very daunting at first!

    You say they found high grade cancer so possibly this is why they are moving fast to give you the best chance of treating this ASAP.

    You will probably be sent to have MRI &  OR CT SCANS next so they can stage the cancer before hysterectomy. Don't panic, I was also found to have High Grade Serous,  contained within the womb Staged at 1a, this was very reassuring and I have just finished chemo which was offered as an optional. I have just had a clear scan and await  appointments for brachytherapy. Like Marmitefan59  said try not to google  as you are an individual and what you read on there may not necessarily apply to you.  Wishing you the best outcome possible.  You can do this  and you have our back. If it helps you click on my name yiu can read my bio. 

    Take care xx

  • Hi SassyL53,

    Welcome to the group, sorry to hear that you haven't had your diagnosis explained very well.

    I also have a high grade endometrial cancer. I am currently having chemotherapy and I am halfway through it, results of midway CT in 2weeks. I have also had a course of radiotherapy for symptom control. Although I haven't had it confirmed from the medical team, I am feeling a lot better cancer symptom-wise and I am hoping the treatment is working. 

    I hope your appointment is supportive and gives you more explanations. There is a Macmillan booklet you can find online which was helpful to me, this is better than googling.

    Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are all in the same boat here, to varying degrees, so have some idea how you feel and are here to help if we can.

    Amanda x 

  • Thank you so much I am so happy I found this group. I didn’t realize you were in the Uk. I am in Vancouver Canada. I hope I can still use the sitI am seeing a Gynocologist this coming Wednesday, and will find out then what I will be getting 

  • Hi Amanda!

    thank you so much for your fast response 

    It makes me feel so much better to connect with someone in a similar situation 

    I will find out more of how they’re going to proceed forward on Wednesday when I go to see the gynecologist. My doctor told me when we started all the testing that of cancer was found they would do a radical hysterectomy so I’m expecting I’m going to hear that I was hoping I didn’t have to have chemo but I’ll do whatever I need to do. I see that you’re currently having chemo and had radiation did you also have a hysterectomy?

  • Hi again Sassy, wow, Canada, that’s amazing! Most ago us are from the UK but anyone is welcome to use the site! I don’t know if things are done differently over there but here, after an endometrial cancer diagnosis, we are sent for an MRI or CT scan (I also had a chest X ray) to do a preliminary staging and check for any spread. Then comes a pre op assessment and then the hysterectomy (mine was laparoscopic) and the full histology. Over here we don’t get our treatment plans (if needed) till after the op and the histology results, as the picture isn’t fully known till then. Plus over here, the gynae surgeon deals with the op, and then an oncologist deals with any treatment needed. Hope Wednesday comes quickly for you.

  • Hi Marmite

    that sounds like the same plan they do here

    thank you got the information , So happy I found you LadiesHeart

  • Thank you so much Madesp

    i will read your bio!

  • Hi  I was diagnosed with High grade Serous & clear cell cancer in February and like you had no previous health issues so it was quite a shock. If you read my profile I’ve detailed my journey so far. My recommendation is leave Google alone - trust in your medical team and take it one step at a time to give yourself time to process. I had my hysterectomy in April with all visible cancer removed and post op was staged at 2 because of migration to my cervix. My adjuvant treatment started in June and this week I will be finished, it seems a long time to get appointments, scans, results and plans, but once it starts it does go quite quickly. You can do this, the lovely ladies in this group have helped and encouraged all the way, so you can do it too.

    hugs Chrissie xx