New diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Was diagnosed with stage 1 womb Cancer on Thursday, I feel so grateful that the Dr did the biopsy as a precaution as all my blood tests had come back clear.

Waiting for X rays and MRI now to ensure hasn't spread, still really worried but praying that don't need chemo.

Never had children so I'm really really sad that that possibility has been removed from meSleepy

  • Hi Omega.  Sorry you have been diagnosed with cancer but you’ve come to the right place for help and advice.  All the lovely ladies on here have been where you are now and will be able to answer any questions you will have.  Please don’t Google as a lot of the advice is way out of date and can confuse and upset you.   

    Waiting for results etc is the hardest part but you will get there. I had my hysterectomy at the beginning of May and I have my last brachytherapy next Wednesday.  I’m so glad I joined this group as it’s been such a great help and at each stage I felt I was well informed, thanks to the lovely ladies on here. 

    I’m sending you a massive virtual hug and I hope all goes well for you. Keep coming back on here and ask questions.  If you read some of the ladies diaries you will find them a great help.   Best wishes Maureen x

  • Hi Omega, welcome to the group, well done for posting. I still remember the phone call back last November when I was told I had cancer and the ensuing shock, so I feel for you. I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your MRI and X Ray. My hospital is Southampton and they surprised me with a phone call at short notice for my appointments. My MRI was with contrast, which involved having a cannula with dye, and the staff were lovely. Have you had an MRI before? I then had my x Ray straight afterwards with hardly any wait - what they did was fit me in in the A&E x Ray room so that I didn’t have to fit in with patients who already had x Ray appointments booked. My CNS gave me my X Ray results within a couple of days, and my MRI results managed to get in in time for the MDT meeting on the Friday morning, so I got them quite quickly afterwards too. But it varies from hospital to hospital. Have you been given the phone number for your CNS? I have found mine a great support.

  • Hi Omega

    I have just joined this group and saw your post. I was told Friday that I had precancerous cells and then this morning I received a telephone call from the cancer nurse to say that my biopsy had been relooked at by a neighbouring hospital and I’m now diagnosed with cancer that they believe is grade 1. My surgery is booked for 11th August and my MRI/X-ray is booked for the day after tomorrow.

    Have you received your dates yet? 

  • Had my X rays yesterday, still waiting on a date for my MRI, although the Dr is sending me for tests on a suspicious mole too, the last thing I need but better safe than sorry.

  • Hopefully you’ll not be waiting too long for the MRI and Fingers crossed tone1 the mole is nothing to worry about.