Awaiting Womb Biopsy..

  • 4 replies
  • 85 subscribers

I’m feeling v emotional, flitting between anger and sadness.

I had an ultrasound completed in November last year that showed a thickened endometrium and suspected polyp with a feeding vessel so was referred for a hysteroscopy.

I was assured by my GP that the results did not indicate anything sinister as the consultant that did the ultrasound really worried me saying I’d been let down by my GP, I’d contacted them numerous times with issues.

I received my first gynecology appointment in March to which a hysteroscopy hadn’t been arranged, the consultant hadn’t read my notes and thought I was there for heavy periods only. I was then referred for a hysteroscopy and biopsy.

Finally late June this year I was given a biopsy, the consultant that performed the biopsy didn’t say much other than everything looked ok but to wait for the results of the biopsy which is where I am today.

I received a letter with an appointment for just over 3 weeks, now this has panicked me as I know how busy the gynecology dept is and I’m not a private patient. I’ve had biopsies before and never had a recall with the NHS.

I did google my symptoms and am now really scared but also angry.. as the ultrasound showed that my endometrium has thickened to 11mm way back in November. This in itself is a red flag for womb cancer so why was the biopsy not done on a 2 week wait referral?

I’m 40 years old with heavy and irregular periods.. I get stomach cramps in between periods and have had a watery discharge along with hormonal sweats.

I’m trying to stay rational until my appointment on the 25th but to be honest.. I’m really struggling.. is there anyway I can get my results sooner.

im due to go on holiday early August and don’t know what to do 

  • Hi NicNac, welcome to the group! I’m not medical at all, but if my understanding is correct, an endometrium of 11mm would not necessarily be an issue in someone who is still menstruating, only if they’re post menopausal. My advice to you would be to wait for your appointment, then go on your holiday. If you do have cancer, you would likely then be offered a staging MRI or CT, and that could happen after your holiday.

  • Hi Nicnac

    Sorry to hear this it’s a shock I know I’ve been there but don’t want to go into that I find that you have to be proactive and get involved I found the number of Dept involved which I should imagine is gynaecology    Look online for phone numbers in yr hospital find out secretary if it is cancer they will have an MDT meeting with all involved and then you usually get the results I think mine was just over a week but I had a CNS by then as they told me when I went for the biopsy they could see and feel growths so I found out who she was and rang her luckily she answered the phone and she rang me with the results when they had the meetings as I had CT to find out where the cancer had started from, people were telling me it could be fibroids etc I’m 64 Sat and I had discharge and pink discharge but I’m post menopausal that was the first sign something was wrong, my story is on here just needs updating so u can do that too but have a go at ringing them at least you have tried if you don’t find out try not to worry they will look after you whatever the outcome 

    Kind regards 


  • Hi NicNac

    All of us ladies completely understand the anxiety waiting for appointments and results. I was called 6 days after my hysteroscopy to ask me to come up and see the consultant for her to tell me I had cancer. I know things vary alot over the country on the NHS but around 2 weeks seems to be the average. Some of the ladies have even been told over the phone. There could be lots of reasons why they are calling you in to speak to them so please try and remember it's not always cancer related. I think its a good idea by Mo K  to try and call the department for some clarity.

    Please let us know how it goes. Thinking of you.

    Robin x

  • Hi NicNac1234

    Following my hysteroscopy I received an appointment that was around 3 weeks away, but then a few days later received a telephone call asking me to go in that day which is when I was given my cancer diagnosis.  I think the original Dr that did the biopsy couldn't see any irregularities with my womb lining (in fact I had a letter saying that which arrived after my cancer diagnosis which was a bit weird).

    Obviously I can't say one way or the other what your results will be and I totally get the worry and pressure you feel just wanting to know the outcome.  If it is cancer I'd like to think they would contact you sooner but each health area operate differently - after my diagnosis I had to wait around 2 weeks for my MRI, and then around 9 days for MRI results due to jubilee bank holiday.