Newbie here

  • 7 replies
  • 89 subscribers

How do peeps? New to joining and thought id type this down as iv never spoke about what iv been and going through.

I went for a small biopsy in feb then was told it was endometrial cancer in the april. Had mri which showed it was confined (hoping) in the womb.. had another biopsy (proper one) having merina fitted at the same time incase it was pre cancer as the mdt didnt want me having hysterectomy due to my age, early menopause and incase of wanting kids even tho i told them i don't want them.

It all came back as cancer (stage 1 A) which they decided total hysterectomy would be best treatment and so did i!.

Had my total hysterectomy 4 weeks ago, just waiting for results now and to see if its all gone or whats going on.

But still nothing seems to be registering - like the cancer nor the hysterectomy (even tho i just had it!) ..not sure on how i should be feeling or anything? 

  • Hi Beanio,

    A warm welcome to the group. Hope you are recovering well.  I think it's expected to feel a bit shocked/numb because of what you've been through so don't try to process everything too quickly. 

    I hope you get your results soon, there can be delays in some areas but I think everything is slowly getting back to normal. If you ring your CNS or Consultants Secretary they may look into it for you.

    All the best to you and let us know how you get on. We are a supportive group and the ladies on here have lots of experience to help you.

    Amanda x

  • Hello Beanio

    Wellcome to our group -you will hopefully find a lot of support as many have a similar story as you; diagnosed with womb cancer at a early age.  I am sure that some of those ladies will be along later to share their experiences.  At whatever age our cancer is diagnosed I think you will find that the feeling of numbness is common. I sometimes still think that the hospital will say they got my result wrong-it can’t be me who had cancer.  A whole range of emotions can just pop up at any time.  If you get the chance it may be helpful to enter a few details about yourself in your profile and you can click on any of our user names to read our profiles. Take care of yourself. Hugging

  • Hi Beanio, well done for posting! I’m glad you’ve had your op and are recovering. There’s honestly no rights or wrongs as to what to feel or not to feel, and It’s perfectly all right to feel maybe detached or like it’s happening to someone else or numb or just unsure how you’re feeling. I had my diagnosis in November 21 and hysterectomy in January 22 and never really wanted to talk about it much, just wanted to get through it. We all have our ways of getting by and however you’ve been doing it is fine. But maybe, because you’ve come here, you might be at a point where you feel able or even want to start opening up a bit about it. And this is a safe place to do so!

  • Hi Beanio

    Sorry that you have found yourself here with us but you are among ladies who care and can share their stories and support. 

    Be gentle on yourself,  it's still early days after your operation and physically and mentally it takes time. 

    Good advice from sistermoon to call up and chase your results.  I think 2 to 4 weeks is the norm depending on what part of the country.

    Please let us know how you get on.

    Hugs Robin x

  • Hi thanks everyone for your replies i really appreciate it.

    Im one for keeping things private and not talking about it but this i just thought "oof" bit more heavy on the brain so..  

    Think i gona give the hospital a ring friday if i dont hear anything by then. 

    Really do appreciate what every has said, hope you all the best as well. Will let you all know and glad i joined the group thanks peeps

    Korene x

  • Hi Korene, if you have the number for your CNS then they’d probably be the best way to go as they have access to your notes and can contact the consultants directly. The MDT usually only meet once a week to discuss results before a patient is told - do you remember on what day of the week you were told you had cancer or were told your biopsy results? It will likely be the same day of the week for this. It won’t do any harm at all phoning to ask when you’re likely to hear, or when your MDT meet and is reasonable to do so - though if it was me I’d call tomorrow (Thursday) as Friday might mean you don’t get a reply till Monday! 

  • Alrite,  yea i will do il give them aring today, as you mentioned i do normally meet or speak with my doctor and nurse on a thursday mainly.
