Just been diagnosed

  • 7 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Well guess its my time to pop in. 

Today I saw my specialist and have confirmed stage 2 womb cancer. I'm in my early 20s and haven't started a family yet. My specialist wants to try hormone treatment and chemotherapy before a hysterectomy to try preserve my fertility. 

I'm honestly just looking for a bit of advice and support. My boyfriend is a student nurse on a cancer ward so he knows some stuff but I'm really worried about how he's going to cope. 

I'm also worried about hormone therapy which I'm starting soon. How is this done? What are the side effects? What do I prepare for?

In my line of work I'm a full time professional athlete so as you'd imagine, this is gutting!! 

  • Hallo Auttam and welcome to the group! Thank you for sharing your diagnosis with us. Could I just ask what tests/scans you’ve had? And have you been told the grade? 

  • Hiya. I had a scan, bloods and biopsy. They believe it is stage 2

  • Hi again, thanks for replying - sorry, to ask again but was the grade mentioned? Grade and stage are different - don’t worry, I found all the terminology difficult to grasp at the start! 

  • The terminology is killing me at the moment -im having to ask my partner about everything. They said grade 2 :)

  • Hi. Auttam. Sorry that you have found yourself needing to come on here but welcome to a warm and supportive group.  

    I had my hysterectomy in May and have had my 2nd dose of radiotherapy today. If you have to have radiotherapy/brachytherapy don’t be alarmed as there really is nothing to fear.  It doesn’t hurt and I’ve had no side affects apart from tiredness.   It can be so daunting with all the waiting and the terminology that you don’t understand.  There will always be someone here that can help you so just ask away.  

    I am at the other end of the age groups - I’m 75 but it is still the same whatever age we are.   I hope all goes well for you and I’m sending you a huge Nanna hug.  Xx

  • HI , I'm sorry you  find yourself here but there are lots of people here in many different  situations who will be only too happy to offer any help they can.   I was 76 years old when diagnosed as Stage 1a, Grade 2 so menopause and fertility were not issues I had to deal with.  However over the last few years I have read quite a few posts from people in your position who had hormone treatment instead of surgery.  There was at least  one lady who had successfully become pregnant!.  Hopefully someone with a similar experience will be along to talk about it. 

    You may find it helpful  if you write something about yourself and how you came to find yourself here by adding a profile to your account. It's always helpful for people to read if  they want to ask you questions and you also won't end up repeating yourself. You can enter it into your profile (click on your username and select “Profile”) . You can amend or update it at any time.



    (Class of 2015!)

  • Hi again Auttam, when I was first told I had cancer, it was in a phone call, and the doctor (to me) sounded like a fast train going through a station without stopping and I had to stop her and ask her to pause as I had barely grasped all she’d said and was confused by talk of types and grades and this and that number. So I hear you!