Just left hospital today.

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I just left hospital today after having keyhole hysterectomy surgery. I was just wondering how anyone else who had the same operation had got on the few weeks after and if anyone have tips? 

  • Well done! Did you have surgery today or yesterday? If I had to sum it all up in four words I’d say “listen to your body”.  I had a booklet which said there was no reason not to take a short gentle walk as soon as we got home - so that’s what I did! A 5 minute stroll round a block near my house. And from then on a 5 minute walk twice day for a couple of days, increasing one to 10 mins after that, and so on, till by 2 weeks post op I was up to 20-30 mins twice a day. I believe this helped in every area of my recovery: circulation, digestion, core strength and mental health. I kept to light meals for the first week or so, to make it easier on my system as my digestive system recovered from the op. I kept a plastic bottle near the kettle and filled the kettle from that rather than lifting it. My husband still made the drinks as I wasn’t supposed to lift a heavy kettle but at least filling it made me feel useful. I avoided any lifting other than really light things for the first 7-8 weeks and am still being careful now (I’m 12 weeks post op now).

  • I had my operation on Thursday morning. I was due to come back yesterday but felt faint. I have been told to keep support stocking on but I don't how long for. I managed to get upstairs which wasn't too bad. Thank you for your advice. I am walking around indoors and hope to try the stairs again in a few days. Yes I think eating a small amount and healthy is a good idea. 

  • Hi again, I kept mine on (bar one hour per day) for two weeks and then asked at my results appointment if it was ok to not wear them any more and he said yes as I was by then walking an hour per day. The idea is to keep them on until you’re up to a good level of activity/exercise. It’s important as we’re at increased risk of a thrombosis. 

  • Hi WCF, well done on getting the operation over and done with, I felt such relief as I knew the cancer was out of my body and that felt good. I don't know if this helps but I was advised to wear the support socks knee high, for 2 weeks which i did. Xxx

  • Hi as the other ladies have said, no heavy lifting. (Even kettles are surprising heavy) No bending over. Listen to your body and rest when you need to. A short walk is really good for you.

    I kept my compression stockings on for two weeks, except when showering, as advised by my nurses.

    Sending hugs, Barb xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Thank you for your advice. They don't give you spare stocking so I had to take them off to wash and dry them. I might ask the Chemist or GP if I can get any more. 

    I was so lucky from initial reporting of symptoms to having the operation was less than three months and I had twinges of pain and one or two other things but feel lucky not to have been waiting long at all!

    I hope you are doing OK? 

  • Thank you for the advice. My husband took a few days off work to take care of me and we will see if I can get downstairs OK for a short walk in the playing field opposite my house. I hope you are doing well now? 

  • I'm doing well thanks. This week I'm going for third chemo and then I'm halfway through the treatment. It's passing by so quickly can't wait to be done and dusted. Do you know if theres anything else you need to have or do you need to wait for the histology results?

  • Hi I'm doing really well thanks, feeling really well!

    Hugs, Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett