Finally got a date

  • 10 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hi all. Im so pleased to report that I have finally got a  date for my op - 5th May. Its been an anxious wait and I have tried to be as positive as possible throughout but its been a struggle.  I'm sure everybody else has felt the same anxieties in the waiting period, but, we all get there in the end. 

I've looked up the ‘what to take’ advice and have got a bag waiting to be packed.  Has anyone got and tips for after the op. How soon after can I shower?  I don't know what to expect pain wise or what I can do to ease it. 

Thank you all for being so supportive, reading other peoples journeys has helped me in my dark moments. 

Onward and upwards now.  Cant wait to get it over and done with now and see what other treatment I will need. My consultant did say I would probably have radiotherapy. 

  • Hi Poppy 

    So pleased that you have now your date now. You will be just fine I'm sure.

    Some of the best tips that helped me through my recent hysterectomy was.

    Take Slip on shoes for the homeward journey as bending is tricky.

    Also a pillow to put on your tummy so the seat belt doesn't dig in.

    Take some strepsils because you may need one or two after the breathing tube come out. Mine wasn't that bad but I was glad of one.

    If you can take some peppermint extract into hospital to add a few drops to some water to help move the trapped wind. My hospital only offered peppermint tea which wasn't strong enough but the peppermint extract did the trick beautifully. 

    Nighties rather than PJ'S.

    I showered the very next day. 

    Hope this helps, Good luck 

    Robin xxx

  • Hi Poppy, so glad you have your date! Re showering, you can have one the day after - if you want to have one at the hospital, I’d suggest taking your own towel as hospital ones tend to be smaller and not soft! I’m not a shower person so I chose not to. I had one when I came home but didn’t like it so waited till I could have a bath (couple of weeks). Re pain and pain relief - I had a lot of discomfort, pain even, when I came round and needed pain relief - but as soon as the catheter was taken out (6am the next day), I had no pain or discomfort at all, just a feeling a bit like slightly pulled muscles either side of my tummy. I didn’t need any pain relief that morning at the hospital or when I went home, and just took two paracetamol at bedtime in case I got sore overnight. I did the same for the next 2 nights then stopped the overnight paracetamol completely. It will be different for everyone, but for me getting up and about asap (whilst still listening to my body) was the best medicine, As soon as the catheter was out I was out of bed and sitting on a chair, and taking short walks up and down the corridor every so often, When I was discharged and my husband came to get me, we got the lift down but I then walked to the car rather than waiting for him to bring it to me. Not long after arriving home I went for a slow gentle 5 minute walk round a small block near my home, I took it easy and listened to my body but it was fine - and I’d did 5 mins twice a day for the next 3 days then started to slowly increase. I’m convinced the exercise helped shift wind, helped my digestion and also helped my circulation get going, I had a light diet the day before my op, and  kept to a light diet in the days after my op as I knew my digestion might take a while to get going. I’d suggest taking some of your favourite snacks into hospital as you may not feel like a meal the night of your op. Hope the time goes quickly for you! 

  • Hi Marmitefan.  Thanks for your reply.  Sounds like I will be fine if I listen to my body. I like to walk my dog everyday so like you say small walks and slowly build up.  Ive never had an operation before so I'm nervous but cant wait to get rid of the ‘thing’ hiding in my body. I've had quite a bit of tummy pain the last few weeks so I'm not too concerned about that now,   especially as you said it wasn't too bad for you.  I'll let you know how I come out the other side.

    thanks again for your support since I've been on here. 

    Poppy x

  • HI . So good to hear you've finally got a date. It'll all be over before you know it!

    I was able to shower the next day, fortunately we've a wet room so I didn't have to climb over a bath side. Also made sure I'd bought a non-slip shower thingy for on the floor. I was careful around the op wounds and patted them dry.

    Before you go in make sure you can easily reach favourite coats, books etc. so you don't have to reach for anything. Batch cook for the freezer.

    Hugs, Barb xx

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  • Bless you Poppy - just one thing re dog walking. It can pull your tummy with the dog on a lead so off lead is best at the start. After taking short  walks on my own for a few days, I tried taking my dog on lead for a short walk near where we live and even though he doesn’t pull, any turn we made did tug a bit, plus pavement walking jarred a bit, so I got my husband to drive us out to the local heathland and we walked him off lead. It was about 3-4 weeks till lead walks felt a bit more okay.  So again, listen to your body is the rule of the day.

  • Hi Barb. Thanks for your reply and recommendations.   I've taken everything on board and hopefully if I listen to my body and follow all the advice I've been given I will get through it. My consultant told me I am 1b Grade 3 the same as you, although I realise its not set in stone until after the op. Hopefully I can be as strong as you and all the other lovely ladies on here. 

    Thank you again for your support. 

    Maureen x

  • Hi again. Thanks for that advice, I am lucky enough to have the beach close by and s park at the end of my street.  Obviously like you said not a good idea to hold the lead until Im healing properly.  My husband will be happy to walk with us.    Thank you again and you keep well and look after yourself.    Maureen x

  • Hello Poppy

    Glad you know where you are now with things. I suggest wearing loose clothing to come home in, I took a dress but Also thick black tights ( my op was January) but I ended up cutting the waistband of the tights to make room  as was pressing into my swollen bellybutton where I'd had one incision and very uncomfortable. Like yourself I'd never had an operation before but was surprised how quickly I recovered. Good luck hope all goes well for you.x

  • Hi Mad. 
    thanks for your reply.  Ive been looking at my dresses, only got summer ones but Im sure one of them will be ok. I don’t think I will bother with tights.  Cant wait to get it done now.  I'll follow all the advise Ive been given on here and just soldier on.  

    I know you had your op a couple of months ago so hope you are feeling ok.  When are you starting your chemo?   Good luck with that. I'll let you know how I get on.   Take care.

    Poppy x

  • I started chemo in March and I have one this week and then halfway through the treatment of six in total and I feel quite well after few rough days. But can't wait to be done with it. Take care x
