MRI day

  • 5 replies
  • 88 subscribers

So off for my MRI today just want to say thank you for your support on what to expect happy place all ready coz I don’t do small spaces will keep you updated on my journey 

I have 3 shifts left at work before isolation before my operation 

did anybody have any other symptoms when diagnosed my bleeding stopped after the biopsies and I don’t have any pain etc I just wondered I have only been told I have grade 1 womb cancer no staging as yet

i hope this day finds you all well it’s a beautiful spring day fresh and crisp in Newcastle 

  • Good luck Zippy - thinking of you today.  Hoping you will find it all manageable- the nurses talk you through it and are so kind

    i didn’t have any symptoms at all, except for the bleeding.  I felt fine, fit and was still working - it was a total shock - no pain.  However I do note that my back ache has improved hugely since my hysterectomy!  I had had back ache for years, but it had worsened recently, but I didn’t really think much more than it was age related and I might have done too much gardening 

  • Good luck....if its any help my MRI was abdominal only so my body was in machine waist down head and shoulders was outside of the ring at all took about 45 minutes. 

    Hope this helps xx

  • Hi Zippy, my slight spotting stopped after my polyp was removed at hysteroscopy. No other symptoms. I’ve not felt at all unwell throughout this. 

  • I definitely went in head first but not sure if they scanned more of me than just my abdominal area.