Hi I’m new

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So diagnosed with womb cancer Valentine’s Day awaiting full hysterectomy 15march

my consultant confident all will be removed in the operation and hopefully no more treatment 

im reassured by the posts etc I have read on hear everyone seems to be able to answer and support each other

  • Welcome Zippy - I’m pleased for you that you’ve got an operation date so soon after diagnosis! I had my laparoscopic hysterectomy on 22nd January; Lesley Ann, Madesp and Lolabo have also all had hysterectomies recently. So if you have any questions, please do go ahead! 

  • I’m having laparoscopic hysterectomy my consultant is very positive the cancer is contained in my womb I had a polyp removed and 2 tissue samples the tissue was normal but the polyp was cancerous so hopefully after all removed no further treatment x

    did u all get discharged the same day as your op or day after I’m not too worried about the op it’s the recovery how are you all getting on since ur ops

  • Hi Zippy, mine was laparoscopic and I went home the next day. Some hospitals do same day, others do next day - but even that depends on blood pressure etc being normal and being able to pee and give a good clear sample! I had a tiny polyp removed at my hysteroscopy that was cancerous, and the consultant was hopeful too that I’d need no further treatment but histology revealed a few cancerous cells on my cervix so mine was restaged from a 1A to a 2, meaning I’m being offered adjuvant radiotherapy, which was unexpected. 

    Re recovery, I have recovered very well. I went for a 5 minute walk the same afternoon I came home as I felt able to, and continued gentle exercise every day. I did a day to day diary thread from hysterectomy day onwards if you’re interested - I will tag you,

  • That be great thanks xxx

    hope ur treatment goes well I diagnosed diabetic at the same time as my hysteroscopy don’t do things by half me lol xx

    my smear test was clear so fingers crossed but I know there’s still a chance it may have spread I’m trying to focus on op then deal with cancer later if I need to I think it’s the only way i managing to cope x

  • Bless you as you have that extra thing to take on board as well. My smears have all been clear too but that’s because smears only test the cells on the underside of the cervix not on top. The hysterectomy was total so my cervix (and ovaries and Fallopian tubes) was taken too, so the cancer has all been removed - the radiotherapy is just an insurance policy to make sure there’s no cells in my lymphatic system. Hopefully yours will be more straightforward and be as expected 

  • I think mines going to be total but I know it’s no guarantee until everything is tested and if I need extra treatment so be it there’s not much I can do about it take one step at a time I suppose x

    I hope the radiotherapy is the end for your treatment too xx

  • Thanks, my consultant was keen to point out that it’s therapy not treatment. There may not even be any cells there but they have to be careful, My oncologist has told me that after the radiotherapy and brachytherapy I will be discharged onto Patient Led Follow-Up, and won’t need to be seen unless I have any issues, so I am hopeful and positive. Have you had your date for your pre op assessment yet? And do you know what time you have to be at the hospital on your operation day?

  • No date for pro op yet I have to isolate for 10 days before op covid swab 3 days before I have to be on ward 0700hrs on day of op  I’ve had my chest X-ray but no CT yet but the list for CT scans is huge she said I’d probably get my surgery first

  • Different hospitals have different policies - I only had to isolate after my PCR test 3 days before, but in practice I chose to isolate from a few days ago before that. How far away from the hospital do you live? 

  • About 5 min drive it’s been so quick all of this I seen my go 24.1.22 had scans n hysteroscopy  and biopsy 31.1.22 results n diagnosis 14.2.22 it’s been so overwhelming 

    I’m lucky the RVI in Newcastle is a fabulous hospital where I’m going 

    I’m pleased it’s therapy not treatment ur having and it’s great you be discharged as patient led that’s brilliant x