Hi ladies

  • 4 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Good evening ladies

i initially posted in the cervical cancer forum, now I’m not sure where I need to be, however any advice would be welcomed in relation to symptoms please. My story is in my profile. Basically bleeding between periods, heavy bleeding not normal for me, passing large clots frequently, post coital bleeding & worsening pelvic and lower back pain. Symptomatic for 6-7 months getting worse. Had an internal examination the first in 7 months with a red & inflamed cervix, 2 week urgent referral which I attended on Tuesday 15 Feb, Mild changes seen CIN1 at most, that coming from a clinician who said “ I wouldn’t expect you to have cervical cancer at your age”! I’m 38. I was told she’d taken a cervical biopsy, howe et have since found out this is not the case and it was a pipelle biopsy only !! Last 2 days bleeding and passing large clots with worsening pains, quite unbearable if I’m honest. Gynae don’t want to know and state “top up on pain relief, Codeine, Paracetamol & Naproxen..which are not helping. I’m planned for ablation re heavy periods anyway which I’m told will only reduce bleeding and not help with any other symptoms. I know my own body & I feel it’s not right. Any advice is appreciated 

Thanks Aimee xx

  • Hi Aimee and a warm welcome to our spot in the online community. It's so frustrating when your team don't appear to be listening to you. the amount of bleeding you've experienced certainly isn't right and you know your body when there's something up. I would ask your GP to get a second opinion. The age at which cancer strikes isn't set in stone and a remark "You're too young" is ridiculous. You could take it up with the PALS tea at the hospital. Certainly speak to your GP about pain relief. When Paracetamol, co-codamol did nothing for me I went on to oral morphine but then my story's much further along than yours.

    Were you allocated a CNS/Macmillan nurse at any of your appointments - contact her, I've received a lot of help from mine. Pester your Consultant's secretary. It pays to be persistent.

    Come back and let us know how things go.

    Big hugs, Barb xx

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  • Hi Aimee, sorry to hear what you are going through.  If I were you I would request a transvaginal ultrasound and a CA125 blood test.  

  • Hi still waiting for pipelle biopsy results, apparently CIN1 “at most” seen, no cervical biopsy taken!!!! I honestly can’t bear the pain. I now have a telephone consultation Monday with gynaecologist so will keep you all updated

    thank you 

    Aimee xx

  • Hi I had transvaginal ultrasound in August apparently all normal ! CA125 bloods not been done

    aimee xx