Quietly saying hello

  • 8 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hello! I’ve been reading everyone’s stories avidly since October, looking for either similarities or reassurances that “that’s not me.” Unfortunately so far only similarities coming up. I’ll tell you my story as whatever the outcome someone should find it useful, like I’ve found all yours. So thank you all for sharing.

I’ve always had heavy periods. Not painful, manageable enough (needing toilet every 2 hours). I’d had my children and after a few years of coping I decided to have a Mirena coil inserted  to finally give me some freedom from bleeding. It worked wonders for a year but then I suddenly had a bleed that I can only describe as like my waters breaking! I couldn’t stop it and took myself to A&E thinking the coil had moved and perforated something. A gynaecologist at the hospital was cross with me for wasting their time, she didn’t examine me, just asked if I had any understanding of how the coil works? “You get these bleeds sometimes” she said.

I left feeling embarrassed. I didn’t contact my doctor for another few months, Covid was in full swing. I was popping tranexamic acid, using large tampons, biggest sanitary towels and period pants and could manage maybe 30 mins maximum. I bled over chairs, sofas etc. Finally called Gp. She told me she’d prescribe the pill to kickstart coil to work properly. It worked for 8 weeks than bleeding started again. I called back. “Try the mini pill” I was told. Again, great for 6-8 weeks then bleeding. Sometimes my period would stop start, sometimes it was watery black stuff, again no pain at all. When I called back, it was now  August, over a year of symptoms, I was told maybe HRT would sort it. Again I had never been seen or examined by anyone. I was told to research HRT. I did and I read about fibroids and polyps and endometrial cancer.

I called back and asked for a scan. Finally got one in November, results December. An area of thickening on endometrium, a focal region could be polyp, fibroid or other. I’m scared it’s ‘other.’ Booked for Hysteroscopy on Monday 31st (if I stay Covid free! Youngest positive.) Spoke to gynaecologist who said “not to worry as scan reports often say that.” She prescribed provera three times a day which has worked and stopped the bleeding, is that a good sign?

I’m 48. Fit, well, I run, walk dogs. Had a cancer back in 2015. Surely lightening won’t strike twice?!

Thanks for reading.


  • Hi,

     I have similar problems to you, my periods were always heavy and I can’t remember a day in the last few years I haven’t bled.  Some days it wasn’t so bad some days I would pass huge blood clots and have to just stand in the shower until it stopped dripping out.  I had been tested for pcos twice, the two smears I had came back fine.  I had a ultrasound sound in November 2020 everything looked fine got put on the pill which helped the bleeding a bit.  Wasn’t well middle of last year so asked doctor for blood test and medication review, went for the blood test turned out needed a blood transfusion as my hb level was 67 and should have been around 115.  Had that and the hospital asked about bleeding so explained to them about my periods as I have done many times before and was sent for an ultrasound.  Saw doctor was told lining of womb was thick so they wanted to send me for a biopsy and to have a coil fitted.  I asked what they were looking for and she said cancer but it won’t be there you are too young.  Went for for biopsy and coil a month later in August could do the camera as was too painful but coil fitted and biopsy taken and the coil slowed the bleeding down even more then called back in September and was told I had cancer.  I hope all goes well for you and that it is something else and not cancer but if it is you will get a lot of support off the women on here and no question or rant is silly.  Good luck x

  • Thank you! Can I ask how old you were when diagnosed? Yes I’m due another coil fitting and biopsy on Monday as got my last coil removed in September. Also been told too young to be sinister. Hope they’re right. How long did it take for biopsy results to come back?

    thanks again xx

  • I was 33 but been told many times it’s not very common in people my age or they don’t normally see people my age often and cancer isn’t what they would think of for someone my age, which in my opinion is wrong as you can get cancer at any age.  They were in no rush I don’t think as it was just sort of a month between the biopsy being done and me being told. X

  • hi I had similar problems to you I would bleed threw clothes on to Mattress as Soon as I moved i gushed blood. I was 30 when diagnosed caught early hysterectomy was all I needed wishing you well with love natalie xxxx

  • Thank you Natalie. Glad you are doing well. Did you need HRT? X

  • Hi Ruth, bless you. My stuff isn’t like yours, but I just wanted to say to you that if, during your hysteroscopy, you feel the discomfort is too much, you can ask them to stop and refer you to have it under GA. Some women are okay with the procedure, others are not. My consultant was lovely, showed me the screen so I could see what he was doing and looking at, and when he knew it was hurting me he didn’t want to continue so he stopped. It’s totally okay for you to say stop. I’d advise taking some pain relief before you go - you may also want to take a pad of your own as the hospital ones tend to be quite thick. Take care. 

  • Nope my ovaries was kept due to my age and stage and grade of cancer just regular check ups it’s bein a year and 4montys so far so good xxx

  • Thank you. I’m having it under general. As everything was taking so long I decided to get it done privately, so one less worry I suppose of discomfort and pain during procedure. I’m a complete wuss for just a smear so it’s a huge relief xx