Hello, New Here

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Hi everyone, l have recently been diagnosed as having stage 2 womb cancer, and also have cancer in my left lung.  I suffer from anxiety and depression, on a whole heap of medication, diabetic 2, gastric sleeve done in September. I was recently in hospital as an emergency, l had sepsis,  e-coli and a serious kidney infection, l very nearly died.  I had multiple scans which is when the cancers were detected.  I am so, so scared.  I have tried to reach out to anyone that can help or advise, but l just stopped because my anxiety kicked in.  I am still finding it very hard to come to terms with especially being Christmas Day tomorrow.   I have been thinking about calling my doctor to ask if she can up my anxiety tablets, but if l do that it shows lm still in denile or scared that l do need  extra help, is this all normal? 

  • Hello Lesleysmum, so nice to chat with you. I can totally relate to your anxiety and depression. I have chronic clinical depression, anxiety and ptsd, and like yourself am on a handful of medication, but if that’s what it takes to keep me on an even keel then so be it! You have been through the wringer so much, it sounds horrendous, but you must know, you survived all this, and you will face whatever is next. When I was diagnosed I had to speak with my Gp, as my copability goes through the roof, and she prescribed me diazepam to help with the stress and anxiety as my mind was on overdrive. It did help, especially with getting a bit of sleep, which I wasn’t getting, and if you don’t sleep at night your days are much harder. Endometrial cancer is a slow growing cancer, so be assured, the fact it has been spotted on the scans is a good thing, as many ladies on here will agree that it can be treated with surgery, which I had laparoscopically, and recovered really quickly from. Should you need any treatment following, your team will organise everything for you, and you will be in really good safe hands. Any mention of cancer is frightening. I felt as though it wasn’t happening to me, it was surreal, and that is so common. It is a horrid word, and it does knock the wind out of you, but you will have great support on this group. Anything you need to ask or are worried about just message, and you will get lots of help. After everything you have been through you dont deserve any more, but we never know what is next do we? Any time you need a chat just message me, and I will help in any way I can. Please try and enjoy your Christmas, it’s hard as there isn’t an off switch on our minds, but you’re on the right track, the conveyor belt of care will take care of you. Sending lots of positive Christmas hugs! Love Emm xx

  • Hi . I think it's quite normal given your medical history that you're very anxious and it's good to ask for the extra help.

    Friends and family quite often don't know how to deal with the "C" word and either ignore the situation or smother you. That's why I found this forum so helpful on my journey as people knew what I was talking about and offered helpful advice or just a virtual hug.

    This is certainly a Christmas day I will remember as my hair is coming out in handfuls LOL. Have to put on a turban before I cook otherwise there'll be optional extras!

    Sending Christmassy hugs, Barb xx

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