I want to say something funny, atleast I will try, so here goes......

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I have womb cancer...... not like my womb has been much use for the past 49 years.  I have had 11 miscarriages. No live births.  Its bled for 38 years. Take the bugger out. Get rid of it. Who needs it anyway?


Why do I, at the age of 49, suddenly decide i want this buggering thing? Haha

I have PCOS, Ovarian Cysts the size of Melons, which I have been having regular Prostap injections for for 6-7 years..... I have been on HRT etc. etc..  for a long time.... All of which has helped cause this Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma and suddenly.... before I even know how bad this thing is (I only had my MRI yesterday, after receiving my diagnoses a week ago today) my head is screaming how unfair life is, because I am going to lose my womb and my ovaries, and how less of a woman I am going to be!

So the consultant gynae, who was treating me says I have a triad of reasons for why i have this big C 1) HRT 2) Overweight 3) no babies 4) Diabetes (I am sure thats 4 but i didnt want to correct her.

Now the reason that they found the cancer in the first place was because they forgot to put me in for a scan for my 6 monthly check up on my cysts.  And the registrar who saw me asked me how my 3 monthly prostap injections where doing. (as i used to get monthly).  I told her that I was spotting and that was new to me.  I asked her what we had new to talk about as i hadnt had a scan this time and i always had a scan so they could check the size of my cysts and the cysts had increased in size last time.

So she looked at my scan from six months ago and noted that the lining of my womb has increased and it shouldnt have done unless 1) I had cancer or 2)was pre-menopsausal - which i wasnt because the pro-stap puts you into chemical meno-pause...... so could she do a biopsy???  So there and then, I had a biopsy...... she told me it would only take a couple of days for the results.  So i said that it was fine..... 10 days later, still not results, so I started harassing the consultant for them.

She phoned me back last Monday to tell me the results.  Which where vague.  But that i had it and that my biopsy had been sent to Newcastle for further details.  Now my MRI had been booked for yesterday and an MDT for Wednesday coming and the C train had left the station, with me on Board.

I have contact with the C team in James Cook  though I dont live there, just my Gynae team at in the main hospital. They are fab! I am lucky.  I am staying there. I dont mind the trip.

I went yesterday, they struggled to put in canula (which I didnt know I needed to have an injection) I suddently started shaking like an old second hand fridge as it took them putting one in my arm and failing and then them going to my hand, which bloody hurt like hell!!  And it continued to hurt right through the MRI. 

I looked at my husband, I was suddenly terrified and realised that this was only the start.......I have a mental health condition too. (The old BPD) Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder.  That I have to wade through, just to get me out of the house.  Before I even have to face this big C.  Then I have to face PEOPLE!

Thank god so far. They have been nice.

So far i know its

Grade 2

Endometrioid Adenecarcinoma

Lets call her Eada and shes my new best friend.  But as I have EUPD and I dont do long relationships.  I am going to reject her shortly.  Get ready to hear the story of how I broke up with her soon.

  • So brave, so inspiring and so adorable!! Eada will soon be gone and we will be celebrating your break up!! May even have cake at that party. Xx

  • Hi well you certainly made me smile! Not ever having had children I wasn't emotionally attached to my womb. I just recall suffering years of horrendously painful periods so when I sailed through the menopause with nothing sinister other than hot flushes I thought I was free and clear.

    I was also told by my gynae consultant that I was a prime candidate for this cancer as I hadn't had children, was off the pill for years, slightly overweight and basically my body was an oestrogen factory for the cancer to feed on. I was years post menopause when had a couple of days pink mucous like spotting, was going to ignore it but my bestie nagged me. With no-one in my biological family ever having cancer it was a massive shock when I was told about my unwanted guest. I was also Endometrial Adenocarcinoma stage 1B/ grade 3.

    I think the canula they put in was to provide the contrast for the scan. When I look back now it was all so surreal, like I was looking in at someone else going through all the procedures. The waiting for results is soul destroying but it's do-able!

    It's not the most pleasant journey I've ever made but thanks to the support of the ladies here it was easier than expected with a few laughs along the way.

    Big hugs, Barb x

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Thanks Babe.  It will be an easier journey with you as my travel companion!

  • I don.t know why I am suddenly so attached to my womb.  Maybe because I am forced to do this.  I will get over it.  I have never like being told what to do *wink* Thank you for sharing your story x

  • Hi Bumbliana,

    You made me laugh too.

    I knew I'd have trouble with my womb right from when I was in my 20's (now 77). They found something they didn't like on the neck of the womb, and cauterised it. As I subsequently discovered that weakened the neck of my womb, and I had two miscarriages (6 weeks, and 20 weeks) They then stitched in both of my girls  until they were born.. Funny thing is, when I had a smear of blood at 72 my first thought was 'pregnancy, not again' until I came to my senses!!!

    So, I was more than glad to be rid of my troublesome womb. I recovered quickly and I'm sure you will, too. You've a lot of living to do with that attitude!!! xxxxx

  • I have some sympathy for your attitude. I was like: "Womb: you've caused me all this trouble down the years, I've hung on to you, and this is how you repay my loyalty?".

  • I had really bad periods but stupidly just thought it was just me. I used to use a tampon and two night time towels as standard. I also had a doubled over bath sheet on my bed. I was at a friend's house and bled through the tampons and towels all over her dining chair. Once at work I stood up and blood was dripping from the desk chair!! 

    I went through the menopause in my mid 40's but when I was 50 I had really heavy bleeding for a couple of days. My GP sent me for a vaginal scan which showed lots of fibroids but everything seemed Okay so I was discharged. I'm now 61. My sarcoma was discovered in a fibroid and I'm wondering if it was there 11 years ago.

  • Nannyanny! I want to have reason at 72 for my first thought to be Pregnant??? Get you!!

    Thank you for sharing your story.  Actually, I just want to beat 60!  Both my Nan and Mum passed at 60.  Nan to Leukeamia and Mum to Breast Cancer which spread to everywhere.  So fingers crossed that I get to 50! Haha

    Head up and at 'em! 

    Let's face this MDT tomorrow and see what they have to say about the MRI and treatment incoming.  See how long before I get off this C Train.  Because this train track is sodding rocking me today.

  • Littlerunner, you made me smile.  I am glad someone understands!  Thank you x

  • Deborino, thank you for sharing your story.  I appreciate it. x Bernice x