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  • 86 subscribers

Hi I have been a member for sometime now and have been reading the posts on Womb cancers. I have found that nearly everyone diagnosed seems to start with spotting after menopause. I had this in February 2018 & again in July 2018 I didn’t know anything was wrong because it was very little pink jelly like spots on both occasions. I only found out that I should see my GP when I listened to one of Mrs May’s speeches. Since then I have looked to see if this is advertised in hospitals and doctors rooms I haven’t seen anything -just a thought or am I just been stupid 

  • Hi and welcome to our spot in the Online Community.

    You're quite right, you never see anything about Endometrial cancer in Dr's waiting rooms. I looked when I was there last week there were leaflets for Breast, Cervical and Prostate cancer but nothing for Womb cancer.

    My only symptom was pink jelly like spots (post menopause some years) just a couple of days apart. I was going to ignore it but my bestie nagged me to call my GP who immediately started the 2ww cancer pathway without seeing me - it was a phone consult. So it seems GP's are switched on but it's not widely advertised.

    TBH I don't know how it can be brought to people's attention. Perhaps I should contact the Community Moderator team but I've got a lot on at the moment with hubby's health issues.

    Big hugs, Barb x

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  • Hi Barb Thank you for your reply                               Sending Hugs Monetta

  • I had what seemed like a heavy period a few years after going through the menopause about 10 years ago. I stupidly thought it was unimportant. A neighbour told me that she'd had endometrial cancer and the symptom was bleeding/spotting after the menopause. My GP put me on the 2 week cancer pathway and I had an internal scan which showed that I was packed with fibroids but everything was okay. 10 years later I was diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma which is a very rare and aggressive cancer...it was inside a fibroid.i wonder now if it has been there all this time.

  • Hi Monetta

    like others have mentioned, I was ignorant of Endometrial Cancer and its symptoms and agree it needs to be more visible.

    I suffered spotting then heavy bleeding in May, 2 years after the menopause, but something made me contact my Doctor. I just assumed a cyst or fibroids. After thankfully being fast-tracked, tests then an MRI scan I was told the bad news that it was Cancer, resulting in my world collapsing. The decision was made end of July to remove everything, I was too old for kids etc, something i am subsequently relieved they did. I have, fingers crossed, been told it was Stage 1 and was all removed during surgery, with no spread into the lymph nodes etc. Im on the recovery path now and due my first 3 month check in just over a weeks time.

    I am now telling everyone I know about this form of cancer and symptoms in order to ensure that it might be captured early for someone else. They, like me, were ignorant of its potential to be something serious.

    Best wishes D x