Grade 1 womb cancer

  • 9 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi everyone so glad to be part of this group. I am 61 years old and had early menopause so my periods where finished by the time i was 40 years old. My story so far is a few months back i started to bleed and had cramp like pains so i called the GP who suggested a visit to the surgery. After an examination she advised a visit to a post menopausal bleeding clinic. I had a scan which they said looked fine but they carried out an internal examination and a biopsy was taken. I received a letter to return for more biopsies as the lab had recommended more. This was carried out whilst performing a hysteroscopy. I received a call 10 days later explaining i hade grade 1 cancer if the womb. I have a hospital appointment on 20th Sept to discuss the way forward with treatment. The doctor that called me mentioned that being over weight would be a factor that would be discussed with my treatment plan but a hysterectomy would be needed. Im so scared my treatment will be delayed and i may not be able to be treated if i cant get weight off. Has anyone else been in my position. 


  • Hi , good to see you've joined us. There's a few ladies here who mentioned weight issues so hopefully they'll be along to chat, as I mentioned I seem to remember something about a Mirena coil being fitted.

    It's hard the waiting game, we've all been through it and know what you're going through but you're not alone, we're all here for you.

    You'll know more in just over a weeks time, take a while to look through the links I gave you and write down some questions in readiness for your consultation.

    If you want to ask anything, as I said earlier, fire away - one of us will hopefully have an answer.

    Hugs for the weekend, Barb xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Mrs BYH  , 

    Thank you so much for the information and support you have given me already. I will be more prepared now with questions when i see the gynecologist on 20th Sept. The Mirena coil was mentioned to me ,will see how things progress on 20th. Thanks again Barb xx

  • Hello Senga20 I'm 23 stone so extremely overweight.  Don't think consultant was too pleased but said he thinks he'll be able to my hysterectomy by keyhole surgery, but may have to open me up. They'll be telling me on Wednesday what my next steps are as they've got to look at my scan results. 

    If all goes well I intend to lose weight after. X X

  • Thank you for sharing your journey im 18 stone and doctor has mentioned my weight being a problem. I hope it all goes well for you on Wednesday xx

  • Hi Bubble 59,

    • I have been thinking about you and hope your appointment went well yesterday.

    Take care

    Senga 20

  • Hello Senga20 . The nurse rang yesterday to say one of the teams discussing my treatment don't want me to have an op until I lose weight. They want me to be treated with hormones in the meantime. I've got to discuss it with the consultant at my local hospital when I see them. She said I'd also be referred to the weight loss clinic. Am also going to see a psychologist.  Feels quite overwhelming. 

    Hope you're having a good day today. X X

  • Hi Bubble59

    How do you feel about having to wait ? This is what i think they are going to tell me as they have mentioned the mirena coil to me. Im just frightened that by having to wait the cancer will grow . I was referred to weightloss clinic two years ago as i need 2 new knees and i have to loose 4 stone to get my knees done. I lost 18lb's waiting to attend clinic which was the 5% loss they require attendind the classes. Whilst at the classes i put all the weight back on so was back to square one again, i comfort eat when stressed. Hopefully you will do better than i did at the classes. I feel our situations are quite similar maybe we can hrlp one another. Will let you know how i get on after my appt on Monday.

    Senga 20

  • Be great to help each other. Don't know what to expect from the weight clinic. I'm annoyed with myself at getting this big, but am also worried about having to wait for surgery. Then again,  I'm worried about having an operation at this weight. X

  • I was 14 stone when I had my hysterectomy. My consultant said it was "challenging" due to being a bigger lady plus I had a lot of adhesions from my two caesarean sections. I lost over a stone after the op as when I ate anything, within an hour I was doubled over in pain. Everything is fine now apart from the 3 monthly scans etc that I will have for the rest of my life. Deb