Womb cancer

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  • 95 subscribers

Diagnosed last Thursday. Having a mri Tuesday to ascertain stage, I feel like I am losing my mind. So nervous, I have had the symptoms for six months. It was missed during my first biopsies, Do I have any chance after all this time? 

  • Hello Shirley, welcome to this forum, tho sorry that you find yourself here. But we’ve all been where you are right now, you’ve just had a bombshell go off and are in shock. Most of us think this first step on the journey is the most anxious time. You don’t yet know what you are dealing with, once you know more you will put your big girl pants on and get on with it. Not knowing really does your head in, as you say you are already imaging the worst.

    But slow down a bit, firstly this particular cancer is slow growing, and secondly there are very good treatments now. I myself had my hysterectomy a year ago, and I am doing well so far. Of course everyone has different stories, but this isn’t an automatic death sentence! So take some deep breaths and try to hold off the anxiety. - ok I know you feel that’s impossible at the moment. But I’m afraid it’s the waiting game at the beginning, even after your MRI, as the medics need to wait for the histology report after your op to get the full picture. Then they will plan your treatment, if any further treatment is needed.

    So, it’s good you’ve found this forum where we all share our experiences, because having information can help us cope with our fears, and the ladies here are all super supportive of each other. Anytime you have worries or are scared come on here and someone will usually pop to sympathise or offer help and advice.  Good luck with the mri,

    Viv x

  • Thank you. It’s so difficult to stay positive. The waiting game is such a struggle. 


  • Hi Shirley, 
    I know just how you feel, we are in a very similar boat! I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago, and had my mri last week. It’s easy to say please don’t worry, but they are pointless words, because human emotion and reaction automatically make us worry. As so many fabulous supportive friends on this forum will tell you, it is the waiting and uncertainty which is by far the worse, it seems forever. I too, looking back, had earlier problems, I had a hysteroscopy 6 years ago for pre cancer cell removal, and there wasn’t any follow up, which plays on my mind as to how I find myself now, but I will never know. I saw my consultant last week, and was told my cancer is still a 1a/b, & honestly, I truly believed it would be far more advanced. Endometrial cancer I was told many times at my consultation is a slow growing cancer, so please try to stay positive Shirley. We will together walk a similar path, I have another mri tomorrow, and my surgery is booked in for 30 September, & yes, like yourself I am a very frightened and scared grown up! But knowing so many strong and positive women have gone through this before us does give me reassurance, and I’m sure it will you too.  I will be sending all positive thoughts and hugs to you tomorrow, while I’m on my mri to you on yours! Lots of love Emm xx

  • Hi and a warm welcome to our spot in the the Online Community. Here you'll find a lovely group of supportive ladies who have all been exactly where you are now. A possibility of cancer diagnosis brings all sorts of stress and fears and if anyone can hold your hand and reassure you we will. We're all at the start, in the middle or the end of what can only be described as a roller-coaster ride. The ride no-one wants to get on.

    As Viv ( ) said, ours is a slow growing cancer so try not to overthink things - easy to say, impossible to do. This time last year I was just about to have my hysterectomy and when I look back now it was like I was another person looking in  - totally surreal. A year later still can't believe I'd had a cancer diagnosis but you're not alone on this journey, we're here for you.

    It’s always helpful to others if you write a little something (or a lot) about yourself and your journey to date. You can enter it into your profile (click on your username and select “Profile”) It’s helpful to other members with a similar diagnosis who can then hopefully answer your questions. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. You can amend or update it at any time. If you’re not sure what to write, just click on my username.

    If you want to ask any of us any questions please come back and do so. There's always someone around and we can offer a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold or listen to a rant, we’re here for you.

    It might also be a good idea to download this booklet Understanding Womb (Endometrial) Cancer. I found it invaluable on my journey. 

    Click on the link I’ve created to find out more information covering diagnosis and treatments for Womb cancer.

    You might also find this link to what to take in my overnight bag useful. If you have to have surgery.

    It’s always good to talk and the Macmillan Support Services provides lots of information, support, financial guidance or just a listening ear. It's free to call on 0808 808 00 00  8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Have a look to see what is available by Clicking here .

    There is also an Ask an Expert section, but you should allow two working days for replies from our expert team.

    Sending you welcoming hugs, B xx 

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    Womb cancer forum

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Shirley,  snap. Diagnosed Friday waiting for a date for CT. I posted on wrong chat earlier (novice).

    I am feeling utterly desperate and convincing myself it's spread. I've also had symptoms a long time. Kept getting told it was premonpausal.

    I go from being pretty numb to crying like a baby to just utter white panic- like a monster with a gun just walked in the room.

    All I can think of is leaving my kids ( 9 and 13) and go somewhere very dark in the dark at the moment.

    Can't tell you what it feels like to hear someone at same point in journey and all the lovely support from new friends a bit further on. 

    So much love to you - this is the hardest journey yet xxxx

  • Hello Shirley,  I know how you feel as I was diagnosed last Tuesday. Having MRI tomorrow and CT on Friday. I've had symptoms for a while but was putting it down to the menopause. They've told me it's a slow growing cancer but I don't know how long it's been there. I find the waiting the worst part. Feel in limbo. This is a great group so keep coming on here for support and advice. Good luck with the scans. X X

  • Exactly the same here. Awful. Love to you xxx

  • Hope all goes well for you. X X

  • Hi seen you post how old are u? And I hope u are ok it’s a awful diagnosis but it has a good prognosis xx

  • I am 64. I am dreading mri but know it’s a must.  I am worried as they missed it during first produce. They told me ever was ok but one consultant was not happy and wanted further test. I am so worried about the time scale being about six months, 

    Take care all! Xx