Trans vaginal ultrasound done!

  • 6 replies
  • 84 subscribers

Had this done this morning, I have an appointment to get the results on Friday this week, fingers ( and everything else!) crossed that all will be well, just wanted to say thanks so far for your amazing support xxx the scan wasn’t too bad, I was very nervous, it was a tad uncomfortable more than anything else and I’ve donated a blood sample for a research study, happy to help if it helps others in the future

  • Hi 

    Glad to hear the scan went well and wasn’t too bad. Not long to wait for your results and hopefully you’ll get some good news 

    Take care

    Kate xx

  • Hi Kate 

    Thanks my lovely xx  fingers crossed for Friday!! How are you doing? Xx 

  • I’m doing ok now, bit of a rough day yesterday but all in all the news wasn’t as bad as it could have been so today is another day. Upwards and onwards. Will be thinking of you on Friday 


    • Thanks katexx I see from your posts you have been scheduled for chemotherapy, when does that start? I’ve just phoned the gynaeoncology secretary who said it is not an actual appointment tomorrow, the gynae consultant will review the results and I’ll get a phone call if I need to have more tests otherwise I’ll get a letter, detailing my results either Saturday or Monday, indicating the way forwardFlushed( I didn’t like the sound of that!FlushedFlushed), oh well what will be will be, I’m still hoping it’s nothing ominous!! thinking of you, hope you’re having a better day today xx 
  • Yes I’m scheduled for chemo then brachytherapy and this will start in the next week or 2. What I have learned from being on here is that everyone’s journey is different regardless of stage and grade of disease but it has been hugely helpful knowing I’m not alone. I met a lovely lady when I was having my hysterectomy and we keep each other going as well. I am stage 1b grade 3, hence all the treatment to try to stop it coming back. Off to choose my wig tomorrow so that might be a bit emotional but all good today. It really is an emotional rollercoaster.  Hoping you get favourable news in the next few days

    Kate xx

  • Big hugs, will be thinking of you tomorrow, any idea what style you’ll go for? Could try a different colour?? Xx