Open surgery soon and terrified

  • 8 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hi ladies, I'm due to have open surgery soon will know more on Wed, basically everything out as I have the cancer in the wall and cervix, so stage 1 maybe 2. I'm 64 and not in the best of health and morbidly obese. I'm worried about the op itself and the recovery, I live with my 27 old son, he is a lovely lad but I know he will not be that good at looking after me. I'm preparing as much as poss and usually have my groceries delivered to my door, obviously I know about the no lifting etc. Just wondered about the healing and what practical measures I can do to help myself. Thanks Karen. 

  • Hi Underhiseye, welcome to the group. Im sorry what your going through hun sending you big hugs. Holland19 xxx

  • Hi underhiseye, I understand exactly how you are feeling. I'm having a total hysterectomy including my ovaries and cervix on Tuesday 29th June. I'm 61 and have several serious health conditions. I was in hospital eight times last year from September to December with liver disease. I'm not too worried about the op as I've had several surgeries previously but I am worried about exactly what they will find. I've started batch cooking  and freezing meals and if all else fails there's a mark's and Spencer simply food up the road Slight smile can your son cook a simple meal? Show him how to work the washing machine etc before you go into hospital. You will get lots of support from the ladies on here and I send you a big hug. (Are you a fan of the handmaid's tale too?)

  • FormerMember

    Hi, I’m 5 weeks post op from open surgery (vertical incision) today! My daughter was away at uni and then left for a job 230 miles away so I’ve had to deal with it all. I’m usually very independent but have asked neighbours to do some things and have paid them. Iron anything you think you might need, cut the grass within an inch of its life, scrub the kitchen floor, and weed the garden path. I have managed to pick up the dogs poo on his walks very gingerly at first holding my incision. I also bought a little long handled lightweight dustpan and brush and changed all the sheets and had spares ready for later on. I stocked up the freezer, but should have put more pure microwave meals in as it was too hot last week to put the oven on. Lots of good quality protein and vegetables. Good luck with it.!  

  • Hi  (Karen) and welcome to our spot in the Online Community. I see you've already received some great advice from some of the ladies here about batch freezer cooking and teaching your son how to operate the washing machine, dishwasher and hoover! The main thing is listen to your body, don't overdo things. Open surgery will take a little longer to heal so you won't be break dancing for a while. I remember a nurse said to me if you're in pain, don't let the pain take over. So don't hesitate to tell the staff if you feel bad. Some ladies had a morphine pump " on demand"I myself had an epidural for pain and after just had paracetomol and morphine tablets if needed.

    If you think of anything else, just shout. it might be an idea to look at What to take in my overnight bag if you haven't already.

    Good luck for Wednesday, we'll be thinking of you.

    Big hugs, Barb xx Hugging

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  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deborino

    Thanks Deborino, love Handmaids Tale so dark. I'm sure I will be ok with the op, won't stop me worrying, they may need to hold my hand. My cancer is in the cervix and wall/lining of the womb, they have told me stage one probably two, may have to have radio therapy. They cannot give us a 100% answer untill they have the womb to look at so to speak, so finger crossed. I wish the same for you and hope you don't require any treatment. Having said that as I have had chemo before it's not as scary as you may think and you will be very well supported. I usually get an Ocado delivery once a week as I don't drive and they have M&S food, I am on a low carb diet and doing really well so far, glad you have an M&S near. My son can cook a mean omelette and most things, lol, he hates washing up, he knows how to work the washing machine, just his laid back approach will annoy me, I'm sure it will be fine. Going to ask friends to change my bed linen though, sending you a big hug too for your

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Holland19

    Thanks Holland19 x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Glad you are recovering well, I needed to hear that, I'm going to ask friends to change my bedcovers, my son can cook and do the washing to a point. I live in an apartment so things are relatively simple. On a low carb diet because of my diabetes so eating very healthily. long handled dustpan is a good idea, noted. I very rarely iron, lol.xx  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MrsBJH

    Oh thanks for the overnight bag link, will have a look. Nah won't be dancing, lol. I have learned to stand up for myself, if I'm in pain etc. I'm sure my son as laid back as he is will do what I need if not I have friends who have offered to help, but don't want too many people coming back and forth because of the virus.xx