Diagnosed with cancer of the womb

  • 9 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Im going to see the gynaecologist on friday, my mind has gone blank, what kind of questions do i need to be asking.

My cancer is type 2 and luckily stage 1a as i went straight away when i noticed thigs wasnt right. I know they are taking everything away. 

  • Hi Ladnad,

    You could ask what sort of surgery you will be having and how long you are likely to be in. It might help you arrange things afterwards. I had keyhole surgery, and recovered quite quickly. Other ladies had a mixture (they warned me of this, so its standard procedure).The consultant drew me a picture of my womb and explained what she was going to do. I also had lymph nodes removed to check the cancer hadn't spread. Not sure I needed the picture!! I was quite happy for her to get on with it!! I was Stage 1A grade 2 as well, and am still fine 4 years later. Good luck xxx

  • I am worried about keyhole incase my womb splits during removal and the  cancer cells get into my body and spread,

    How long was your recovery? im a carer, my cancer nurse said i will be off for 3 months. Im really pleased that everything went well for you and your back to goid health. Thank you for answering me. Very much appreciated xxx

  • Hi Ladnad,

    Why would your womb split? I think we all worry about cancer spreading, but they know how to deal with all of this. I think they give the area a wash after the operation to get rid of anything. There are risks with any operation, but in our cases there is no choice! I actually asked the consultant if the operation was worth it. I didn't want years in pain for nothing as I was 72 at the time!! She shouted me down. They wouldn't waste their time if it wasn't worth it. I can't believe how silly I was, now.

    I was quite fit beforehand, and they said I would be back to previous fitness in 3 months. That was about right. I took things slowly because I didn't want to land up back in hospital!

    You are welcome to ask anything here. Someone usually knows the answer! xxx

  • Thank you, im 62 and a type 2 diabetic insulin dependant, so key hole would be best for healing.

    I guess its just nerves and the waiting. Xx

  • When I asked my surgeon how they got the womb out, he said “very carefully”! So trust your team, they are doing this all the time. Nannyanny is right, they do usually wash out afterwards and even that is analysed to make sure there are no horrible cells present. Try not to worry too much, if you are lucky enough to get away with keyhole surgery the recovery time is quicker. Hope it goes well for you, x


  • Thank you for your answer, ive got everything crossed, just scary.

    Thankyou both nannyanny and viv. Xx

  • I can understand your nerves. Although I had been in hospital 3 times before, this seemed the best experience. I found all the instruments and bladder scanner fascinating, and the staff were brilliant. So much better than even 30 years ago. I even found the hospital food not bad and ate everything.xx

  • Ive been and had major surgery before, not cancer related, and it was open surgery, so never had keyhole before. Xx

  • Hi . This has got to be the scariest post you've ever done but don't worry, you're in good company we've all been there. You've joined a lovely group of ladies who will support you every step of the way. We've all suffered the mental block, total disbelief.

    I myself was Stage 1a, grade 1 when diagnosed, a bolt out of the blue. I had a TLH (Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy) BSO (Bilateral Salpingo Oophorectomy) and Omentectomy which translated as removal of Womb, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes. All done by keyhole. I was regraded to Stage 1B , Grade 3 after histology and had 3 adjuvant Brachytherapy sessions which is now a distant memory! 

    If you want to ask any more questions, no matter how daft they sound, come back and ask,, we'll answer!

    It might also be a good idea to download this booklet Understanding Womb (Endometrial) Cancer I found it invaluable in my journey. 

    It’s always good to talk and the Macmillan Support Services provides lots of information, support, financial guidance or just a listening ear. It's free to call on 0808 808 00 00  8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Have a look to see what is available by Clicking here .

    There is also an Ask an Expert section, but you should allow two working days for replies from our expert team.

    To find information covering diagnosis, treatments and pages covering most types of cancers can be found on our Online Information and Support Section

    Sending you welcoming hugs, B xx 


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