About to start radiotherapy following hysterectomy

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  • 87 subscribers

I am new to this forum. I had a total hysterectomy in April. Pre-op tests said pre cancerous cells with potential for transmission to StageI and hysterectomy was recommended to remove.  Post op diagnosis of uterus was then "upstaged" to Stage II and referred for radiotherapy, which is starting in July. So relieved that everything has been removed and thankful I did not ignore the relatively small (but unusual for me) post menopausal bleeds. Macmillan nurses now on board and have been very helpful and call me regularly to check on me.

Feeling recovered from the hysterectomy and am back at work. Still aware though when I have overdone things. Unsure how working whilst radiotherapy is happening will pan out. Have 25 sessions planned (five weeks of daily sessions) followed by 2 sessions of brachy. Realise everyone's experience is unique but if any one can share how it was for them? Consultant has suggested side effects of bowel and bladder irritation. Employer is fully supportive and I may work from home (COVID has shown how possible this is at the moment). Many of these questions will be answered as I progress I am sure but any guidance from ladies who have experienced it would be appreciated.

  • Hi  and welcome to our spot in the Online Community. Here you'll find a lovely group of supportive ladies who have all been where you are now.

    I was going to ignore my PMB as they only lasted a day or two and were so slight. If it hadn't been for my bestie nagging me to contact my GP things could have been much different. I'd never heard of Endometrial Cancer and as no-one in my "biological" family had ever had cancer of any type it was a huge shock! I was ultimately graded as stage 1B grade 3 and had 3 x Brachytherapy sessions. All easy to cope with just undignified. Had no bladder problems but do, on the odd occasion, have bouts of diarrhoea. As I'm retired, no problem to get to the loo.

    There's a few ladies here undergoing chemo at the moment so I'm sure they'll be along to post soon. You could also go back and read their posts and hit "reply" to join the conversation.

    It's always helpful to others if you tell us a bit about yourself so when you get a moment can you update your profile. If you don't know what to write just click on my username. You can add or amend it anytime.

    Sending you welcoming hugs, B xx Hugging

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Jax63

    As you can see from my signature It is quite a while since I had Radiotherapy.  I know that Covid will have altered the way things are done at the moment and I am sure that someone will be along to tell you more about the present arrangements, 

    Like you I was scheduled for 25 sessions of external RT followed by 2 of brachytherapy.   I was stage 1A, grade 2 but there was LVSI present and so the RT was recommended,   I had very little in the way of side effects during treatment.  I was asked to follow a low fibre diet, avoid fizzy drinks and any foods that encourage wind, which may have helped.  It can be a tiring time, particularly if you have to travel any distance for treatment and my appointments were not always at convenient times so you may have to juggle your work timetable a bit. However I did manage to do most  of my normal activities during that time.   

    They mentioned the possibility late onset problems and this did worry me but 5 years down the line everything seems Ok with Bowels and bladder.  There is always the possibility of lymphoedema and I was advised to look after the skin on my legs and watch for any infection or swelling.  A couple of years ago I did suspect there was a bit of swelling and I was referred to my local lymphoedema service and was checked and given advice,  So far there has been no further development. . 

    It all seems a long time ago but I can still remember my apprehension at the start of RT..  I have now been signed off after my 5 years of checkups. 

    Good Luck



    (Class of 2015!)

  • Hi Jax63, 

    I was also upgraded to Stag2 n will have the same radiotherapy treatments as yours. 

    I am very worried about the side effects. How are you getting on?

    Hope u do not mind telling more about your experience. Many thanks!

    Best wishes, 


  • Hi Chui

    My bowel side effects started during the second week of my five weeks of radiotherapy. Urgency to go, loose stools to start with then diarrhoea. I was advised to avoid fruit and veg and eat a more bland diet...stuff we usually avoid, so white bread and white rice. I avoided eating after 6pm and didn't eat before going for radiotherapy the next morning, just water. He diarrhoea didn't improve and I was prescribed Loperamide to manage the diarrhoea.  After that, things improved to a manageable level but I didn't stray far from home during those five weeks. Was also very windy.  Fortunately, I was able to work from home. Treatment finished for me mid August 2021 and my bowel has settled down. It is still early days for a return to what was normal for me. If I am eating out for instance, I will take Imodiam with me to avoid any embarrassing rushes to the loo. I still have urgency to go, go more frequently but it's rarely diarrhoea. Still windy. Looking back it was manageable once I had tablets but pleased I was at home most of the time during the treatment weeks.  Haven't had any bladder issues. My bowel and tiredness were my only side effects.

    I was overwhelmed to start with but soon settled into the daily routine. 

    I wish you all the very best.

    Hope this helps. Jax63 x x x 

  • Thank you very much Jax63!

    Your sharing really helps me to get myself prepared for the coming treatments. 

    I am also lucky that I do not need to go to work and the clinic is just 5 min drive from my home. 

    Hope we all stay safe and well in this windy winter. Happy Christmas!

    Best wishes, 
