Hello I'm New

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  • 86 subscribers

Hi all, newbie alert!  I'm one week post op for total hysterectomy following diagnosis of Grade 2 Endometroid Endometrial Cancer.  Now waiting for confirmation of staging via histology results.

  • Hi Craftqueen, welcome to the forum. Great that you are already on the road to recovery after having your op, but waiting for results is the pits! Take it very easy for the first couple of weeks, be kind to yourself and let your body heal, it’s been thru a lot.

    Wishing you all the best,


  • Hi  and welcome to our little corner of the Online Community. Here you'll find a lovely group of supportive ladies who have all been exactly where you are now. A possibility of cancer diagnosis brings all sorts of stress and fears and if anyone can hold your hand and reassure you we will. We're all at the start, in the middle or the end of what can only be described as a roller-coaster ride. The ride no-one wants to get on.

    Good to hear you've had your op, hope you're taking it easy and letting your body heal itself slowly. Now's the hard part, the wait for histology results but if you want to ask any of us any questions please come back and do so. There's always someone around and we can offer a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold or listen to a rant, we’re here for you.

    It might also be a good idea to download this booklet Understanding Womb (Endometrial) Cancer I found it invaluable in my journey. 

    It’s always good to talk and the Macmillan Support Services provides lots of information, support, financial guidance or just a listening ear. It's free to call on 0808 808 00 00  8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Have a look to see what is available by Clicking here .

    There is also an Ask an Expert section, but you should allow two working days for replies from our expert team.

    To find information covering diagnosis, treatments and pages covering most types of cancers can be found on our Online Information and Support Section

    Sending you welcoming hugs, B xx Hugging

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Thank you so much  I hope you are well.

    What a whirlwind it has been since I was diagnosed at the end of March!    I'm a little weepy at times but I know that's to be expected as I have to rest I'm reflecting  on my journey so far.  I'm extremely thankful for my treatment and am trying to remain positive whilst waiting for histology........ hmmm.....some days anyway  lol xx

  • Thank you for your kindness and lovely welcome.  I'm sure you won't be offended when I say I'd rather not be here! lol

    I'm a positive type so trying so hard to be strong and I'm so thankful for my Oncology Team in Preston who are wonderful.

    I reflect often on my journey so far and it feels weird.... one day I was ok (or so I thought) just a small infection that antibiotics would sort and the next I was broken and heard the C word!  6 weeks that changed my world forever.

    I really send my biggest hugs to everyone out there, with my deepest respect to everyone and their individual journeys. 

    Keep well xx

  • Hi . No offense taken, we don't want to be here either haha. Exactly this time last year I didn't have a clue what was going on inside me. Seems totally unreal and to be honest it knocked me for six. No-one in my biological family had ever had cancer so just hearing the "C" word froze me.

    For all of us on this forum our world has changed forever but I feel stronger, more appreciative of what I've got and, having lost 2 family members to Covid, I'm forever grateful to our wonderful NHS.

    Sending hugs, Barb xx Hugging

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett