Womb Cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 89 subscribers

I was diagnosed with womb cancer on 1/4/20.but because of Covid could not be given an operation. So I have a coil put in, and on thinking about it, I will not be having a hystorectomy, due to having fears about not coming round as I have had a heart attack in 2019.  After a MRI scan I now have Chirrosis of the liver and a lump on my lung.  Then in September this year my husband was diagnosed with rectal cancer, and is having Chemo and then an operation to have a stoma bag fitted. So I am trying to cope with my own pain and well as my husband's worry and hospital appointments, although he is upbeat about everything.  I have to hear about all his appointments, he seems to forget about me and my cancer. Any-one else in this situation.

  • Oh Dear, Leith Lass,

    You have a lot going on. I was fortunate in that my husband had throat cancer, then my womb cancer was 12 years later. He was very supportive of me, having already been in that position himself. I wish you well. xxxx

  • What is a coil going to do to manage your womb cancer? What do your medical team say about monitoring you? 

  • DearLeithLass,

    Welcome to our corner of the community. You have got so much to deal with I hope that you are getting some support for yourself. I was diagnosed mid March last year and managed to get surgery on the last list before routine surgery stopped due to COVID. My consultant had phoned me to discuss plan B which was to have the Mirena coil fitted if I couldn’t have surgery. 

    My diagnosis came after looking after my 95 year old mother who died from bowel cancer and my big sister who had several surgeries for bowel cancer, time in critical care when she went into renal failure so I was pretty exhausted when I was diagnosed with cancer. 

    One of the decisions I made was to try and put myself first. My needs, my recovery first, my mental and physical well-being. I was very selective in whom I told of my diagnosis as I didn’t want to have to support anyone that was upset about my diagnosis. I am currently waiting for a biopsy result and have only told one friend. I shared it with my weekly on line MacMillan support group.

    I am sorry to hear of your other health challenges, just wanted to remind you that you can have surgery without a general anaesthetic some of the women here had the operation with an epidural.

    I hope that you find the support that you deserve. Glad that you have posted here and send you best wishes.

    Honey Two hearts

  • Hi Oh you do seem to be going through it, I'm so sorry for you. As Honey said you can have the op via epidural rather than full GA, especially if it's keyhole. I had my hysteroscopy using epidural and it was fine, just a very strange feeling when you can't feel your legs at all for hours. 

    It's very odd how other halves can ignore your feelings. After I'd had my op, my hubby said cancer's gone so why are you crying when I had an emotional down day. In fact he's blamed me for his back, groin & knee pain as osteo-arthritis caused by the long drive to, wait and pick me up after my op - nothing to do with the fact he's 77. Every day I get the full story about pain & if I have an off day he doesn't even notice.

    You've got to put yourself first - we're all here to offer emotional support & your CNS the textbook stuff.

    It might be an idea to take a look at Emotional Issues & Family & Friends forums, they might be helpful.

    Sending big hugs, Barb xx Hugging

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • It releases hormones , to keep the cancer at bay. Followed by CT Scans to check it hasn't spread, xx

  • Hi Honey, I have the Mirena coil fitted last year. I hope your biopsy gives you good news, xx