pain management

  • 2 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hello, i am writing here on behalf of my aunt who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in endrometrial cancer, she had her chemo 5 days ago,  and so far she was ok until the last 2 days she has been complaining about pain in her legs and she is having difficulty passing stool. my aunt is the type of person who can endure alot of things and wont say anything until we notice it. im just worried that the pain she is having will eventually be much more when she will have another chemo. does anyone have the same situation? how was your pain management? how long did it took after the pain goes away after the chemo? or will it be constantly there? i want her to be comfortable as i know and i can see she is in pain and would like to know how to help her ease it in some ways. Her children would like to come her too to look after her but because of the pandemic it is more difficult but we are processing it. Thank you everyone! 

  • Hi and welcome to our corner of the Online Community where there's a lovely group of supportive ladies. I'm sorry to read your aunt is suffering so much pain after Chemo and having difficulty passing stools. I myself had brachytherapy, not chemo, so I can't help but hopefully someone will be along soon to answer your question and give their experiences.

    I suffered constipation for a short while after my op and used Movicol, Dulcoease and Normacol at different times, but I can empathise how painful that can be. 

    Talking with others caring for family and friends will help a lot so do check-out our Family and friends, so you can connect with others walking the same journey supporting family and friends through their cancer journey.

    It’s always good to talk and the Macmillan Support Services provides lots of information, support, financial guidance or just a listening ear. Most services are open 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week and it's free to call on 0808 808 00 00 have a look by Clicking here to see what is available . You can ask a nurse about medications in our Ask an Expert section, but do allow two working days for replies from our expert team.

    Sending you and your aunt welcoming hugs, B xxHugging

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  • Dear Preciousdivi, 

    I am sorry to hear that your Aunt is having some pain following chemotherapy. She should have been given details of the MacMillan team who can help with pain management. Her GP should also be able to help. Going through chemo or any cancer treatment is challenging enough especially so during the pandemic. 

    I hope that your Aunt gets some relief and comfort, none of us need to endure, 

    So lovely of you come here on her behalf.

    Sending you and your Aunt  best wishes.

    Honey Two hearts