New endometrial adenocarcinoma diagnosis

  • 11 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi everyone I am still in denial I have it I've just had to go through a TAH and BSO and am in the first week of recovery. I am nulliparous it would be interesting to talk to other women who are going through this and how we deal with it psychologically. I would have loved to have met up in a group but lockdown has put paid to that but maybe in the future there are local groups to join?

My histology from an earlier polyp removal showed early ca so am awaiting further results... 

  • Hi I am 6 weeks post op struggling mentally was stage 1 grade 2.  Wat was your stage grade? How old are you? I hope there are some groups to join after lock down but this group does help a lot xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Xxnataliexx

    Hi Natalie

    I'm 59 I think I'm same as you stage 1 grade 2 but I'm still awaiting the histology from my operation only 7 days ago. I know what you mean I still can't believe I've had the word cancer said to me! I had the classic diagnosis bleeding but only because it was a bit abnormal went on for a few days did I report it to my gp. Then I got put on the 2 week cancer pathway still thinking it was nothing went it for a hysteroscopy which confirmed abnormal cells. The good news is we both have had it diagnosed as early as they can possibly pick it up and our surgery is a cure.we got to keep thinking that it's a huge positive. But I had a huge abdomen scar reopened so I'm suffering a but with pain discomfort but I'm much more mobile than I thought I woukd be as Iwas quite fit before I went in and not overweight. Xx

  • Hope you don’t mind me asking, did you say you had open surgery and not keyhole? I have to have open surgery on a few weeks for my hysterectomy. Most people seem to have keyhole. It has been scaring me knowing it’s open surgery xxx

  • Hi has the surgeon confemed it’s keyhole Bella? If not just wait untill that meeting amd that might change! I no a few women who had open surgey u will get threw it xxx

  • Yes it is a huge positive ur mind still plays tricks! Hope ur recovering well xxx

  • Hi @Bella H I agree that the thought of open surgery is daunting. Sometimes it’s the best way, eg if you have a bulky uterus due to fibroids like I had. It honestly wasn’t as awful as I’d anticipated.  I woke up without pain thanks to a great anaesthetist who had given me lots of pain relief and ward staff were great at offering pain relief when it was needed. Keep on top of the pain afterwards - after a top up dose of morphing I managed on paracetamol and ibuprofen. It does hurt initially to stand, walk etc so take a small towel with you which you can fold up and hold against you to support your tummy when you sit, stand, laugh, sneeze etc. You’ll be given advice on how to look after the wound as it heals. You may also have a catheter to help you wee for the first couple of days. There’s a knack to getting in and out of bed so practice before you go on (there’s a good video on youtube by a physiotherapist demonstrating it). Yes it can take a bit longer to recover but the surgeon will have taken lots into account before deciding on this route. I’m 41/2yrs on from surgery and the scar is now faint and very neat - all the nurses commented on my surgeons handiwork! Follow all the advice you’re given and don’t overdo things afterwards. Be gentle and kind with yourself. Wishing you a good recovery x

  • Thank you so much for your reply. It’s so helpful. Yeah the nurse said my uterus did look bulky on the scans. I think the tumour is quite large in the uterus. That must be the reason for it. It’s been a lot of waiting for scans and results etc so I have not seen the surgeon yet. Everything I know is from my nurse but she said it was definitely open surgery. Thanks so much again for your reply. Xxx

  • Hi Natalie, not seen the surgeon yet, still waiting for an appointment :-( the nurse said it was definitely open surgery.woke up panicking this morning but it has gone again now. It doesn’t help that we have to completely isolate now until the operation which could be 4 weeks away, we are not even allowed to take the dog for a walk. I’m sure the time will pass quickly though and will all get sorted soon. Hope you are feeling okay today xxx

  • Hi hopefully will be soon your op wating makes ur mind go crazy try some exercise in house clean your cuboards have a good clean out anything to keep your mind busy xxx

  • Thank you. I am going to have a spring clean today xx