Womb cancer

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  • 89 subscribers


i have diagnosed Womb cancer in early stage and doctor said it’s a very very very curable but they are taking too much time to treat it and I am scared that it will not go to another stage? How many days will take to change stages?

Thank You


  • I was diagnosed back in March 2020 finally had my surgery in December they said mine was slow growing so it depends what type of cancer you have. 

  • Hi did they give u a grade and stage 

  • I had an MRI scan which told me the grade and stage of cancer I also had a Hysteroscopy they did a biopsy

  • What was it if you don’t mind me asking you 

  • Hi did they give u a stage and grade

  • after the MRI I had another appointment to see the specialist I was given Grade 1 stage 1a so caught very early. I had my hysterectomy on 21st December they don't think I will need any other treatment but I might need some radiotherapy. I am still waiting for the results of the tests they do on everything they removed.

  • Hi GRS - sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I know how scary it can be when you can’t get treatment quickly. I was diagnosed in November - the biopsy showed Grade 1, which is the least aggressive and grows more slowly. I believe they classify in 3 grades, Grade 3 being the most aggressive and the faster growing. I was told that they can’t determine the stage until they have done the hysterectomy and analysed what they take out. So I don’t know what stage mine is yet as I’m waiting for surgery. Like you, I worry that it is getting worse every day. Everyone tells me that it is curable and slow growing and a few weeks won’t make any difference, but I still get really worried. I was told the surgery is urgent and would be done in 4 weeks but I’ve been waiting 8 weeks now. Every day is difficult. I try to stay busy and distracted. Do you have a specialist nurse to call? They are there for exactly that. I also call my GP now and then for some encouragement and I have a local cancer charity that I call too. Just talking to someone understanding helps me a lot, even if there is nothing they can do. It is hard not knowing and just waiting, isn’t it. I really get that. Let us know if you hear anything. And keep posting. There are lots of lovely people on here who have gone through similar things. Take care of yourself x

    JWO Green heart

  • Hi have u had a stage from ur scans? Also your wait for surgey is that due to covid I was diagnosed the 2nd November and op on the 30th xx

  • Hi xxnatsliexx - they told me they don’t determine the stage until after the surgery when they can see if it has spread into the lymph nodes. Yes, the wait is because of Covid. I’m finding it really difficult. They can’t give me a date. All they keep saying is hang in there and eat healthy. I feel like I’m on death row, which is a bit melodramatic I know. But it is scary! And every day it’s getting worse. You got the ‘official’ treatment, which is only waiting 4 weeks after diagnosis. I hope you are recovering well. 

    JWO Green heart

  • Try not to worry.  I was diagnosed with endometrioid adenocarcinoma in September 2020.  My surgery was scheduled for October the 8th, but was cancelled as I was found to have a temperature, which turned out to be Covid!  My surgery was re-booked for November 19th, but I still tested positive for Covid at that time, so it was cancelled again.  I finally had my hysterectomy on December 2nd - so a lot of delays and a long wait.  Despite that, histology showed the cancer to still be stage 1a and grade 1.  I hope that gives you some comfort.  Thinking of you.