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Hi Everyone, 

So happy to find this group of wonderful people to talk to and share my story with. The last 4 years I had horrendous heavy bleeding and stomach pain. Felt so ill a lot of the time and could hardly walk the length of myself due to zero energy and breathlessness. It was awful and took over my life. I tried medications, had all sorts of tests and was put on the waiting list (4yrs ago) for an endometrial eblasion, however I had a hospital appointment at the start of the year where they took another biopsy of my womb were they found abnormal cells. So they said I needed a full hysterectomy which I had at the end of June. Few days after I got home from hospital they called me back to tell me I had endometrial cancer. They said it was rare that I found out after the op. It was such a shock. Thank the lord though that it was first stage and I didn't need any further treatment. I'd love to know if it has happened like this for anyone else. I feel like people just think. Well you had it and now it's gone so your OK. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I don't show it but I've found it really hard to get my head around, and I'm angry I had been kept waiting so long.


  • Hi Noreen, your feelings are totally understandable. You will find lovely supportive ladies on here, as we all know that having a cancer diagnosis is a roller-coaster ride emotionally and physicallyKissing heartI'm 12 weeks post radical hysterectomy, lymphadenectomy and sampling of Omentum and para aortic lymph nodes. I wasn't kept waiting as my first ultrasound showed abnormality and then the hysteroscopyKissing heartnd biopsies confirmed high grade but I didn't get the staging until 3 weeks after the op. I think I'm a pretty positive person but I am up and down with this. How are you feeling physically now? SenKissing heartng you a virtual hug and welcome to the group Kissing heart Nikki xx

  • Hi, and welcome.

    I agree it feels surreal at times, you’ve had Cancer, you’ve had treatment to remove the cancer, but you’ve still had cancer! I’m recovering after my surgery on December 1st, and beforehand many of my friends & family were in shock that I had a cancer diagnosis. However, afterwards I have had people say, well you’re ok now so why are you upset? Physically we can heal pretty quickly, but mentally it will take longer.

    I also had cancer 10 years ago (a different one unfortunately) and for years felt guilty if I mentioned it, because I’d recovered well, some people forgot I’d ever had cancer.

    Don’t feel angry with yourself, you’re only human.

    take care & stay safe, you’re among friends Blushx

  • Hi Rosetta (noreen)How awful to go through 4 years of bleeding and pain, hard to believe you had no tests before. I'd never had an abnormal smear test (just painful) Unlike you I'd not suffered with any problems of bleeding and pain. I was a good 10 years post menopausal. Mine was just a few spots on my undies and because I was post menopausal this was red flagged, my bestie nagged and a chat with my GP set the ball rolling. It's only after the hysterectomy they can do a full examination of what they take out and find the scope of the cancer. Biopsies can miss the dodgy cells and my surgeon didn't spot my 4cm tumour on my hysteroscopy.

    Thank goodness you're all clear. It does mess with your head though. I still can't believe I've ever had cancer but I do find people cannot cope with the "C" word, they either switch off or change the subject.

    Anyway, onwards and upwards it's a New Year!! Take care

    Big hugs, Barb xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Nikki, so sorry for the late reply. It's taken me a while to navigate my way around this website. I kept loosing my messages. Anyway I hope you've been keeping OK and managed to enjoy Christmas and the New Year. I've just passed the 6 month mark now after my operation and I'm starting to feel great plus my energy is coming back. I still get the odd twinge in my stomach around my wound but it's healing up really well. I wish I had been more careful though while recovering, especially the first 8wks. I just kept feeling that I had to be doing something. I got myself so stressed and felt guilty doing nothing. So if I can give any advice it would be to make the most of your recovery and don't rush it. Wishing you a safe recovery and A Happy New Year. Hopefully onwards and upwards.

    Noreen x

  • Hi, Thank you for your reply and sorry for my late reply. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year and a are recovering well? I was surprised how long it took me to fully recover from the operation, even though a lot of people told me it could take a good 6/7 months. When you Google these things it tells you 8 to 12 wks. I had to be opened up so I guess there's a lot of internal healing that goes on as well as a wound. I'm just past the 6 months now and feeling great. At first I was able to talk about my diagnosis with friends and family but none of them mention it now. I'm an open book though and always talk about everything then I feel like I've been going on to much and people can't be bothered listening. I can't imagine having the diagnosis before your op then having to wait. Not knowing it's always worse. The Dr said it was really rare that I didn't find out until I'd had the op. The consultant had told me at my last appointment before it though that there was a slight chance some of the cells could have turned cancerous but I still didn't expect to be told that I actually had it. I'm really thankful and grateful though that I am OK. It's just good to be able to talk to everyone on here.

    I'm here to listen anytime. Take care. 


  • Hi Barb, Thanks for your lovely message and kind words. Like you say, it's a new year and onwards and upwards. I'm always quite a positive person. I'm very grateful that I was lucky enough my cancer was caught at the right time and I'm going to be OK. I hope you're doing OK and looking after yourself. Wishing you a Happy New Year. 


  • Hi Noreen it's good to hear you are doing well, and also that 6 months is a more realistic timescale for recovery! I am frustrated at not being able to get on with normal things without being mindful but then, when you think of the situation for those on here waiting for their ops what on earth have I got to moan about! I guess we always worry at every little twinge, for us it was so traumatic that we still feel traumatised and will always have it in the back of our mind. Only those who have gone through this can empathise once you've had the op as like you say, others just think it's all OK now! Ramble ramble!!! Take care, big hug xx love Nikki