Just diagnosed

  • 12 replies
  • 93 subscribers

Hello ladies,

I am 50 years old and on Friday was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. I had a hysteroscopy on 2nd Dec when the gynecologist also removed several large polyps and clusters of polyps. I was called back in on the 11th and given the diagnosis. He said that he is hopeful that he removed most of the malignant parts and I am booked in for a full hysterectomy on 6/1/2021. I had the MRI yesterday and am having a CT scan this week. Given the speed he is pushing this through I am really concerned that this may be further forward than we think. Can anyone share their experiences of stage 1a/1b which is what I am hopeful it is. I had a smear test in August which was clear. 

  • Hello Hayleymac, welcome to the forum. We have all been where you are now, so know how you are feeling, anxious and worried! But you will find lots of help and support here.

    First of all, the speed at which things are happening is fairly normal I think. Once they have the diagnosis everything moves pretty quickly, altho it can seem like an eternity whilst you are waiting. It is definitely the worst part! 

    My diagnosis was in early August, I’m 69 and had had a very slight trace of blood in a discharge which I was confident was a polyp, a vaginal ultrasound and a biopsy revealed it was cancer to my great shock. By the end of August I had had my hysterectomy.  Three weeks later got my histology results which revealed I was Grade 1 Stage 1b whereupon I was advised to have three sessions of brachytherapy as a belt and braces treatment to lower any chances of recurrence. The brachytherapy was completed by the beginning of November.  Now I’m waiting for my first three monthly check. So, pretty quick timescale.

     If they are able to do keyhole surgery you will probably be amazed how quickly you recover, especially if you're fit and healthy to begin with. I needed very little pain relief, just paracetamol. I was in hospital for two nights, but only because they wanted to check my bowel was working, otherwise it would have been one! I recovered very quickly from the op, and was able to go for short walks on the moor by the second week, by building up slowly. Not able to do housework for ages tho, lol!  And you’re not supposed to drive afterwards for a few weeks, you may need to check with your insurance company as some don’t cover you for the first six weeks or so.

    I don’t think smear tests can pick up Endometrial cancer, it’s usually diagnosed by other symptoms, so try not to worry that they missed it back in August.  Did they tell you the grade your cells are? If grade 1 they are very like normal cells and slow growing.

    I hope my experience can help you, it’s so scary hearing those words. I was in shock, disbelief and total denial for a long time.  Only now starting to get my head around it.  Take care and stay safe until your op, 


  • Hello Hayleymac

    Welcome to this little group of lovely ladies. My story is virtually identical to Viv's (Jigsaw33) story so I won't repeat it all we finished brachytherapy treatment within days of each other. I was stage 1b, grade 3 high serous.

    I can't praise our NHS enough. They really do get on top of things quickly but to us, wondering and waiting for further results and tests the wait is horrendous. 

    I think smear tests can sometimes pick up on abnormal cells but my only symptom was a slight PMB (I'm 67) which I was going to ignore but my bestie nagged me to get it checked by GP. I had a phone consult and she put me on what they call the 2 week wait cancer pathway. In my ignorance I thought that's be from GP to all testing, scans and seeing a consultant within 2 weeks. No way but my whole journey only took from speaking to GP on 3rd June to having TLH,BSO & finishing brachytherapy on 5th November. I think that's utterly brilliant.

    Anyway, you'll always find someone on here to listen to your fears, rants or hold your hand.

    Big hugs, Barb xx Hugging

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  • Hello , welcome to our little corner of the community and so sorry you have had to join us but rest assured you are surrounded by such very supportive ladies. We have all been where you are and getting the diagnosis do get your head-in a whirlwind for sure. I had a smear test done and it was clear too, I believe it wouldn’t show womb cancer up unless it had spread that way. I was boarder line with my final stage as stage 1a grade 2 but close to being 1b at least, they did find that cancer cells were close to entering towards the ovaries and cervix but with some great luck it was well contained in the womb what a relief. I had a total hysterectomy with my ovaries and tubes removed. From diagnosis it was about a month when i got my surgery but that included two weeks of a holiday i had already booked and they aloud me to go, it was good to distract me. The thing here is we all understand and with different stages and experience there is a lot of combined knowledge, plus lots of virtual hugs to go around. Good luck with your CT scan. 

    Sending you a gentle bear hug 

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  • Hello haleymac, l was diagnosed in July 2019, I  too had a clear smear at the end of March 2019, then I  had a small bleed at the end of April, on my 58th  birthday, I  went straight to my gp who refered  me on the 2 week pathway, hystoscapthy  followed in May where one small polyp was seen. This was not thought to be suspicious  and was removed by hystoscapthy again in the middle of June.  So it was a big shock to be told it was cancer grade 1 in July,  an MRI  followed which suggested stage 1A.  I had my hysterectomy  by keyhole on August 6th 2019, just an overnight stay in hospital, I  got a call around 11 days after confirming  stage 1A grage 1,no other treatment required. A follow-up in September with the surgeon was ok, I  was then put on the patient initiated follow up, where  I  can call them for an appointment or advice, I  am on this for 5 years. I  recoverd well from the surgery and was able to go on a walking holiday I had booked 6 weeks after, though I  was sensible and only did a couple of walks. Im glad that you have found this wonderful group who will help you out with any questions. 

  • Ladies, I cannot thank you enough for your responses. I am not going to lie I have spent the weekend bouncing between shock and sheer terror at the prospect of what might be. As a busy teacher I am now faced with the prospect of preparing for my last week in a job I love until I can return in February. Given that my smear was clear you have made me more confident that my cancer will be stage 1a or 1b and not have spread to the cervix. I will let you know how things go once I have my MRI and CT results. Xx

  • Hi Hayleymac,

    Sorry I'm late to this conversation.

    As others have said I don't think smear tests check inside the womb. They check the health of your cervix. I only know this because in my 20's they found something they didn't like on my cervix and I had it cauterized, which subsequently caused me to have 2 miscarriages.

    Fast forward 50 years. When I had a small smear of blood I fast footed it to the doctor. I was seen and diagnosed in less than 2 weeks. After my hysterectomy I was told I was grade 2 stage 1A , just about the best if you have to have it! I needed no more treatment and even at the age of 72 recovered quickly after keyhole surgery. I am on a patient initiated follow up for 5 years, but did initially have a couple of face to face check ups.

    I used to do supply teaching, and often stood in for women who had cancer. I never really understood their feelings until it happened to me!

    Good luck. xxx

  • Hi & welcome,

    I’ve  found this little group an excellent support and I’m sure you will too.

    I’m 55 and had a slight bleed on a Monday October 26th, saw GP nurse on the Thursday had swabs taken & referred for gynaecology examination. 
    Gynae appointment on November 16th with full batch of tests, had a call from consultant Wednesday to see him face to face Friday 20th. I knew by this time something was wrong, so wasn’t too surprised when he told me it was cancer. At this point I had to self isolate due to Covid, as he’d booked my surgery for December 1st. Preassessment then CT scan followed, which for me was made more difficult as I was isolating, so not allowed to work or see any family or friends. Surgery on December 1st, keyhole hysterectomy with ovaries, tubes & cervix removed. All went very well, stayed in one night due to vomiting & low blood pressure, but still home early next morning. Recovery is going well and just waiting for my confirmed results.

    I agree it all feels really fast, but for all the right reasons. I’m sure you will be fine, don’t worry too much, stay strong. Much love x

  • Hi Hayleymac,

    Welcome to our corner of the Macmillan community.

    From my first symptom to surgery was 3 weeks and one day. 

    I saw the GP Monday morning, consultant Thursday, ultrasound scan Friday morning which showed greatly thickens lining of the womb, I had an MRI that afternoon. Saturday morning consultant rang and in I went to have pipelle biopsies, results that Thursday showed grade 1 stage 1a.

    I had laparoscopic hysterectomy and removal of ovaries and tubes, with result confirming same grade and staging so no further treatment needed. So I think that speed doesn’t indicate anything other than the area you are in they are able to move quickly, it isn’t the same everywhere.

    I hope that all goes well for your operation and do let us know how you are.

    Sending you warm wishes and a gentle virtual hug.

    Honey Two hearts

  • Hello

    Welcome to the forum and I'm sure you'll find lots of support here.  I was where you are exactly a year ago - had my hysteroscopy on 3 Dec 2019 and diagnosis of Stage 1/Grade 1a endo cancer on 17 Dec.  Had CT, MRI, iron infusion (as I was a bit anaemic) and pre-op between Xmas and New Year and my LAVH-BSO on 14 Jan.   Got the histology results a couple of weeks later and was fortunate not to need any further treatment.  Now just on regular follow-ups for 5 years.   The time scale you are on seems quite normal and the way things are going with Covid at the moment, the sooner you are in and out of hospital the better I would think.   Do you know if you will have a keyhole op?  

    Virtual hugs.xx

  • Thank you, the reassurance and love in this group is so helpful. I have had the CT scan today and have pre op on Wednesday. The plan is keyhole surgery, which will mean a shorter recovery period x