Newly Diagnosed

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  • 86 subscribers

Hi everyone.  I am so pleased to find and join Mamillan support.

My story so far. On waking one morning I discovered a clear raw egg consistancy loss which developed over the day into red blood loss.  The loss only lasted for that day and was gone by that night.  This is were the god send of E. Consult comes in which I sent to my GP explaining the above. If it wasnt for this system I may of been tempted to overlook what with Covid and restrictions at the practice.  Being 61 and being post menapausal for 10 years probably would of pushed me into making an appointment.  My GP rang that afternoon while buying sanitary pads at the local shop!  The GP made me an appointment and during this appointment referred me to the hospital of my choice.  I choose the trust I dont work for as a recovery nurse for sensitive reasons.My GP told me it was pointless doing an examination then as this would be repeated at the hospital.  I received an appointment in the post within 9 days one for a trans vaginal scan and another 3 hours later to see the registrar.  The TVS was uncomfortable but not at all painful and I understood why they get you to empty your bladder before hand! The radiographer said my lining was slightly thickened and she pressed on the right side of my pelvis as she couldnt visualise my left ovary.

Later that day I saw the registrar who said my lining was 8mm and when I said the radiographer said it was only slightly thicker he confessed he had misread and it had said 4.8mm which put my mind at rest.  I then was taken through to have a biopsy of my lining.  I agreed for a student Dr to be present who was a very kind chinese lad who kept bowing.  The student placed the speculum once he found where to put it bless him.  The register found a pea sized polyp on my cervix which he removed.  I dont want to frighten anyone but personally I found this painful and wished I had taken some Paracetamol and Ibuprofen earlier, but the nurse gave me some lovely gas and air, this was also needed for the biopsies as two were taken, my lining wasnt to thick which makes it harder.  

Back in the consultants room I had a blood test to test my ovaries for cancer and I was referred for a CT scan.

Everyone will say and I'm no exception that the waiting for 10-14 days is the absolute worse and it is.  You go straight to Dr Google and start to second guess everything.  The most helpful thing for me was these fantastic forums where everyone has or are going through the same steps.

My CT letter came and off I went.  I was hooked up to the contrast and the scan started  the machine went over my body and I was asked to take a breath in etc then they discovered the contrast hadn't gone through and had a second scan which worries me.

I was called on my way home from the scan from the consultants secretary to come in for a appointment to discuss the biopsy results.  I think they wanted to gather all the tests before making a diagnosis.  I suppose if they had said your biopsy results show abnormalities so we are sending you for a CT it would of been worse  or vice versa.

On the morning of my consultation my husband couldnt get parked and I was worried about missing my appointment so went in myself.  The consultant said oh you are alone will we wait for your husband I knew something was up.  So I just asked her to plough on.  She said good news and not so good news.  My CT, polyp, and ovary test were normal but I had abnormal cells in my lining and these were at stage 1 which is the best to have,  but she couldnt tell me if they were 1A or 1B.  The A & B as I understand it is when they look at the uterus post op to see how far into the muscle it has gone.  So the best possible outcome for my condition. My family have been amazing and thinking of them and my grandchildren is the only thing which brings tears.  Otherwise I'm ok just grateful to have our fantastic NHS.  I will be having a total laproscopic (keyhole) hysterectomy in 12 days thank goodness.  To think this was from a half day of spotting just highlights the importance of getting checked out.  Such a long story and I will update after my op.

  • Hi there Janetmumof4

    Welcome to this group of fabulously supportive ladies. I agree, our NHS are the best, even the student Doctor - bought a smile to my face. (been there, got the Tshirt!) If you read my profile, you'll see I was also just very minor spotting - my best friend nagged me to get checked out -  might well have saved my life!

    It's amazing they've got you booked in so quickly, not the best pre Xmas pressie but probably the best you'll knowingly ever have! Now's the time to be ultra careful re Covid.

    Anyway my op's (TLH, BSO Omentectomy and pelvis flush) is now a distant memory, as my brachytherapy! Histology revealed I was Stage 1B grade 3 so life now is dilators, then 3 monthly check-ups. 

    I think you'll find all the ladies here are brilliant, support if you want to rant, send a virtual hug or just listening to you. With the best will in the world, if people haven't experienced this roller-coaster, they can't know where you're coming from with the fears, panicky moments - we all do.

    Sending you a big virtual cuddle, Barb xx Hugging

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MrsBJH

    Oh Barb your the tonic Ice needed such a lovely supportive message thank you.  I am gaining so much comfort from this forum it's a god send.  I'm so pleased everything has gone well for you your an inspiration.  I was told I was stage 1 but am I right in thinking they cant tell A or B untill they look at the muscle?  I think you have so long worrying you feel relief afterwards that its a good stage.  I've felt inusually upbeat the last 2 days and hoping I'm not going to fall in a heap.  Thank you so much for your care.


  • Hi there. Yes it seems histology will identify. I was originally told 1A but the pesky little bugger had gone part way into the muscle hence 1B. Mine was shown to be high grade serous (aggressive) but they felt brachytherapy would sort it.

    I'm still astonished I've had cancer and hopefully beat it. All the ladies here have inspired me and picked me up when down. 

    Have a good weekend, we're all here if you've questions. 

    Big hugs. Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MrsBJH

    Thank you so much you have been such a support to me and my hubby.  How long does it take to find out what stage after your op?


  • Hello Janet, l was diagnosed in July  2019 and had my TLH, BSO in August 2019, I knew beforehand I was grade 1 and the MRI suggested stage 1A.. I to had a small bleed 2 years after my last period, I  was  56 when I had this last period so was classed as having a late menopause! After the bleed I was diagnosed with a small polyp, they didn't think it was suspicious so it was a real shock to be told it was cancer! Anyway the surgery went well and I was home the next day, with 2 weeks of injections and the tights! My surgeon  said he would call me in around 2 weeks with the final staging but it was less than that around 11 days when one of the specialist  nurse's  called and confirmed stage 1A  grade 1, not further treatment  needed. After seeing the surgeon  again 5 weeks after the op, just for a chat no examination I was put on to the patient initiated follow up, where I contact them with any worries. I am on this for 5 years and I  have contacted them a couple of times for advice 22nd its been ok. It's  great to be able to ask questions  in this wonderful group,  though I  only check in every so often now.

    Wishing you all the best.

  • Hi Janetmumof4

    It was exactly 2 weeks after the op I got the results, saw my Oncologist the very next day and he explained my options. 

    Big hugs Barb xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Womb cancer forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett