Mum newly diagnosed

  • 7 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi everyone,

My 75 year old mum got the terrible news on Friday that she has womb cancer. Obviously it is very early days at the moment and we don't know a lot of information yet. She went into hospital 2 weeks ago to have a group of polyps removed and they found cancer cells in the polyps and in the biopsy that was taken. She is now waiting for an appointment for a MRI scan, to see how advanced the cancer is. We have been told that she will need to have a hysterectomy, but no one has mentioned how quickly that will be done etc. Her consultant said it looked like stage 1, or possibly stage 2, but we don't really understand exactly what that means. She is the first person in our family that has been diagnosed with cancer, so we are all very new to this. Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi Pancakes,

    I was 72 when diagnosed with Stage 1 cancer. That's the best stage to have.(if you have to have it at aII) I had a hysterectomy, and no more treatment needed, That was 3 years ago, and so far, so good.  

    I was scared about hospital. I was scared of being put under in case I never saw daylight again. I was scared of pain. In the end I needn't have worried. Hospitals these days are so much better than they used to be. The equipment, and tests amazed me. (never had scans before). I had a morphine drip when I came round which you just pressed when you needed more. I'll add here that I had keyhole surgery, which is a marvellous invention. My pain was just like a bad period pain, and I stopped pain relief after 2 days. I was in hospital for 2 days because my bladder refused to work properly. I had a few issues with it at home, and went back to hospital after 4 days out to be checked. They said it was just settling down! 

    It sounds as if it has been caught early, which is good.  Ask any more questions you need to. Best wishes to your Mum xxxx

  • Hi Pancakes7,

    It must have come as a shock to you all you that your Mother has womb cancer. I was diagnosed in March, grade 1 stage 1a, which means early stage and contained no spread. It was 3 weeks from first symptom to surgery, womb, tubes and ovaries removed. I didn’t need any further treatment and cure rate is very high at 97%.

    I had keyhole surgery and a very uneventful recovery. I was back at work within 8 weeks and 8 months on I am back on good form leading a busy active life.

    Hope all goes smoothly for your Mum. Glad you found our corner of the community.

    Best wishes,

    Honey Two hearts

  • Hi 

    I was 76 when I was diagnosed.  The whole process was new to me and I understood very little about how my treatment would progress, I didn't know about this forum and indeed was so much in denial that I wouldn't have looked anyway.   So, can I give you a big pat on the back for posting ( and an even bigger pat on the back if you can persuade your Mum to join in!)?

     The MRI will be of most use to her doctors in deciding how to plan her operation as a final  complete diagnosis will only be possible once they have done the histology after surgery.  The stage (1a) I was given after surgery was in fact lower than that suggested by the MRI.  I had not been near a hospital since my children were born some 50 years earlier and I was amazed how smoothly everything went.  Recovery was quick and although I did need some further treatment (many ladies don't) I have been able to continue do almost everything I used to. 5 years has gone by and i am  now free of checkups.   It's only because Covid has put a spanner in the works that I have to restrict what I do, as I am now 82 and deemed to be a bit vulnerable.  B****y Covid!  

    Keep an eye on this forum and keep posting as you learn more about your Mum's treatment.   Whatever the issue it is amazing how someone will pop up with reassuring advice on how to cope!

    Good Luck to you both.



    (Class of 2015!)

  • FormerMember

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for the quick responses, it was lovely to receive some reassuring words. Mum has her MRI scan booked in for Monday 7th December. Does anyone know roughly how long after the MRI it takes to hear some results?. I think mum was hoping she would have the hysterectomy before Christmas but I don't know if that might be pushing it a bit. 

    I will keep you posted with news as we receive it. I am going to try and coax mum to come on this forum over the next couple of days. Not sure if it will work as she can be quite shy, but I think it would benefit her so much if she did. Would anyone be willing for me to add them as a friend, as she may feel more comfortable having a one-to-one conversation to start with?

    Best wishes 


  • Hi Pancakes,

    I don't mind you adding me as a friend. The thing that gave me confidence to join this forum was that no-one knows you, so if you do say something silly it doesn't matter!!!! They are a good bunch, anyway!!

  • Hi @Pancakes7

    Usually you don't hear much about the results of a test or scan until it has been discussed by the MDT.  This is the Multi Disciplinary Team consisting of the various professionals - Doctors/ Surgeons/ Oncologists etc who are involved in treating patients and they discuss the best treatment plan for each individual patient.   These meetings take place on particular days so how quickly you get any news does rather depend on the meeting schedule.  However ,In my case I had had a long wait for an MRI and it actually took place on the same day as a meeting.  The findings must have been conveyed to the MDT immediately as when I got home from the MRI I had a phone call telling me which hospital I was to go  to for my Op which was 6 days later!

    I "lurked" on this forum for ages before I actually posted anything myself.  By the time I did post, I felt as though I knew the other ladies and I had learnt a lot from how other people were coping with their situation. 



    (Class of 2015!)

  • Hi Pancakes,

    I have only just discovered how to accept your friend request!! Sorry!!! I've had to ask on the forum before about various technical things(I'm useless), but someone usually sorts me out!