Does it ever get any easier

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  • 87 subscribers

I was diagnosed with stage 1 endometrial but before they can do any hysterectomy I've got about 10 to 15 stone to loose i am just wondering if anyone else has been through this at all.  Also I seem to be very tired all the time I seem to keep bleeding randomly which the hospital doesn't seem to be concerned about as when I had the biopsy they put a coil in too.

I wanted to know if anyone else has had similar problems or felt the same as I am in still trying to get my head round it all as I only got my diagnosis in October. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Womb, 

    Welcome to our little group and so sorry you find yourself on this journey. I was diagnosed at the beginning of September and I’m due to go in for surgery on the 16th December. I’m also rather chunky (about double the size I should be) and in the process of trying to lose weight but it’s not easy. I know how difficult it is to get your head round everything, you feel as if you’ve been hit by a blooming great steamroller, and nothing about it all seems real. I wish I could tell you that it gets easier but I can’t. You’ll have good days and days when you just want to scream, there will be weepy days too. There will also be lots of waiting (the hardest part for me ) you’ll be waiting for test results, and then surgery date  confirmation letter or phone call, and then the  all clear after surgery. It’s all a bit of a rollercoaster ride.

    There is however light at the end of the tunnel and you can get through this. It’ll be an uphill slog at times but we’re all here to help get you through it.  We are all at a different stage of this journey and everyone here is willing to help you get through this. If you have a bad day and feel like a right good rant or moan then please feel free to come on here and rant away we’ll understand, because we’ve all done it. The ladies on here are amazing and they have got me through this journey with my sanity reasonably intact. I wish I could help you more with your weight loss journey but I’m afraid I’m still trying to get to grips with that one myself. All I can say is take it in baby steps, one day at a time and you will get there. Sending you gentle hugs Hugging

    Take Care 

    Angie Raising hand tone1

  • Hi Angie 

    Thanks for your kind words and I hope all goes well with your upcoming surgery. Yeah I get what you mean about the steam roller comment its felt like that since I found out. 

    Do you ever just feel so tired that you just feel exhausted as I seem to be feeling like that a lot.  The doctors have done lots of blood tests and ruled lots of stuff out. 

    My main struggle is I'm only 41 I've had no children yet and just feels like it's a triple whammy not only I have this cancer but it's looking like a hysterectomy is the solution once that happens my dreams of having a family is over. 

    There's been lots of teary days so far which is weird cos it comes out of nowhere. 

    Take care


  • Hello Chrissie, welcome to our little corner of the community, but sorry for the reasons your here. We are similar ages at diagnosis as i was diagnosed in 2017 a couple of weeks before my 38th Birthday, never had children either and had a total hysterectomy with my ovaries and tubes all removed and it was when I realised that i was going to have to have a hysterectomy to treat cancer and it was then i started to regret many decisions I had made in life i put off having children for various reasons and to be honest I felt guilty not being able to give my parents grandchildren as i was there last chance of grand children. I always feel it’s when your choice is taken away that you start to question things maybe I should of had children earlier etc now i will not have a family of my own. Its a lot to take on board. Like you say its a triple whammy for you and it’s understandable that your going to have all kinds of feelings over everything. 

    Remember though we all understand with the combined knowledge and experience of what it feels like to be diagnosed and feel like a stram roller has run straight over you.

    sending you a gentle bear hug 

    Community Champion badge_GBear Xxxx 

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    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • Thanks G bear 

    Thank you for that I've been the same thinking maybe I shouldn't have been so sensible when I was younger and had a family. So you ever get really tired like extremely exhausted at All? 



  • I was getting exhausted all the time before and after diagnosis , Chrissie. 

    I have underlying health issues too so fatigue hits me a lot now but generally it does get better after treatment,  your body is taking a lot of strain fighting the cancer invader. The other thing as well is that it takes a lot to take it all in that you have cancer and how is it going to be treated, whats next etc. I see in your earlier post that they want you to lose weight before they can operate have they given you any help with that. It was different for me as i lost lots of weight before my diagnosis and was actually told i needed to bulk up a bit for my op. We all know its a lot to take on board when we are first diagnosed it can take months maybe years totally except what’s occurred and occurring so another important thing is never be too hard on yourself, your emotions will be all over the place, the difference is your not alone. Loads of ladies here are completely understanding and knows how you feel.

    sending some gentle bear hugs your way. 

    Community Champion badge_GBear Xxxx 

    What is a Community Champion?    Womb cancer forum  

    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.

    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • I used to feel tired a lot before I realised I had cancer but that was nothing compared to the fatigue after treatment. You have to take one step at a time and put all of your efforts into losing weight. The sooner you do that the sooner you can have the surgery and get rid of this awful thing. Good luck