Thickening of the Lining of Uterus

  • 3 replies
  • 86 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I was having spotting (usually dark blood) in between periods for a few months and the occasional late period although I wasn't overly concerned as I had read that that could happen. I then had two periods within a week of each other. I started having some discomfort on the left hand side of my abdomen and an increasing need to go to the toilet. I rang the doctors who suggested I come in as spotting doesn't usually happen unless you are taking contraceptive pills (and I wasn't) 

Got referred for an TVS Ultrasound which I had on Saturday and got the results yesterday. Doctor said it shows there is a thickening of the lining of the uterus so he has referred me to the gynaecologist but he says he doesn't think it's anything to be concerned about (and I'm not too worried) but I was wondering if anyone has any experiences of what to expect going forward? Are they likely to want to do some more tests?

  • Hi Kovu they might want to do a Hysteroscopy to look inside your womb. It is not as bad as it sounds I have had three now. When they do this if they see anything they might take a biopsy. I had the Hysteroscopy and the TVS.

  • FormerMember

    Hi there, I had the same symptoms you describe. Scans showed a polyp and I was about to have a hysteroscopy in Feb when Covid happened. My symptoms worsened during Covid and my nhs appointment wasnt happening so I made the decision to go private. I had the procedure last Thursday. They did a hysteroscopy under general with a D&C and fitting of Merina coil. I’m now waiting for my biopsy results, having had symptoms for a year, I’m desperate to know all is ok. They told me it was probably nothing to worry about too and I hope it isn’t but if you have a polyp, it needs to come out. I had to push with my docs to get referred for the procedure on the nhs so don’t be afraid to fight for further investigations. It probably is nothing to worry about but I wasn’t prepared to take that risk. Good luck x 

  • A lot depends on your age and other risk factors, have you had children, are you overweight, are you post menopause? A hysteroscopy is probable and maybe a biopsy. Hope you get sorted soon