After surgery

  • 4 replies
  • 87 subscribers


I have recently been diagnosed with womb cancer and what a shock it was as I am sure u all been there 

I have surgery on thurs 5 nov I was hoping for any advise on surgery and post surgery 

thank you in advance to anyone who replies 

i am really dreading it 

  • Hi Lara, welcome to this club that no one wants to be a member of.  You don't say how old you are, but whatever your age the diagnosis is a frightful shock. We have all been where you are at this moment, and I think most of us here will tell you this is the worst bit. The waiting, wondering and worrying will drive you to despair sometimes and wild optimism the next moment! At least your surgery is not too far away. 

    I am 69, and never imagined I would be given a diagnosis. I was grade,1  I had keyhole surgery and they removed womb, ovaries and Fallopian tubes. I have to say the surgery wasn't too bad, I was in hospital for two nights and I recovered really well and remarkably quickly. I had my op late afternoon, the next morning I was up and walking to the loo and sitting in a chair. Within about 8 days I was able to go for strolls on the moor near to where we live, tho I did take things very easy.  If you live alone now is a good time to be cooking up some meals to stash in the freezer as you won't feel like cooking for a while.  Also, take some loose clothes to wear home as your tummy may feel sore , likewise some nice comfy pants!

    Once you've had your op there is another anxious period of waiting to get your histology results, which will tell you the stage you're at and if you will need any further treatment. Most of us here have said we feel better once we know what we're dealing with, fear of the unknown let's the imagination run riot. I've found this forum very helpful, and also the NHS have been brilliant.  The care I've received from all the NHS staff has been top notch, and handled very sensitively.

    I had my op at the end of August, my histology revealed I was stage 1b and I was offered internal radiation therapy ( brachytherapy) to reduce my chances of any recurrence. I have had two sessions and have my third and final session next Friday and hopefully that's it for me. So as far as I'm concerned I no longer have cancer. Hopefully you too will be in this position in a few weeks time!  Good luck,

    Viv x

  • Hi I had my surgery on Monday morn and was home by lunch Wednesday. I ended up having abdominal because of fibroids although they started key hole. I am an anxious person - I drive people mad but apart from feeling rough Monday afternoon/evening I have felt ok. The pain hasn’t been too bad (take all the pain relief) and I am now only a little uncomfortable. of course I’m worried what the results will be but I am trying to distract myself. The worry is the worst part of all of this I think. Think about things you want to do when the operation is over and you are feeling better. Keep focused on that. Take care

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lara,

    I was diagnosed this week and will know my surgery date on Monday at my hospital appointment.

    The not knowing is crippling as I am sure like many, my mind goes off at a million miles per hour.

    Even after taking notes at my diagnosis appointment, i am still unsure and have lots of questions.

    I am 40yrs ,  which I was told is on the rare side and also that cancer was found in a polyp...All of which what I read says rare but what I have seen on here it is more common.

    I have no idea what to expect,  but I have already bought a new pair of big stretchy pjys and giant pants from Marks and a huge jigsaw to keep me entertained.

    The surgery doesn't bother me but the reoccurring I fear. Having lost a parent to cancer,  the unknown is for me the worst.

    But what I do know already is that there are some lovely ladies on here all at different stages of their journey who seem amazing xxxx

  • Hi 

    thank you to u all for replies 

    i am 68 and you are all right it’s the worrying and the unknown 

    I am glad to hear your on your last treatment Viv and u will be feeling great u are done with it all 

    You have helped me to think it might not be to bad curly 101

    Birdie you will be glad to get your date for your op so u can aim for that you are very young for this diagnosis and I wish you well 

    I am grateful at this time when the pandemic is getting high again that we are all getting care 

    my daughters have been out and got me big knickers and nighties lol

    i have 2 daughters and a son and one of the hardest points was telling them as we all have enough going on at the moment I felt bad for having to tell them this 

    They have been very supportive but it’s hard not to have them visit as we are trying to be careful as my husband has bladder cancer and he should have been in June to see if things are ok so that was another reason I hated telling them they had it with there dad

    thanks for listening 

    I don’t know if I have done this right or I should have replied individually 

    take care and be safe xx