Had Hysteroscopy by General Anaesthetic- How will I get biopsy results?

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Hi. I was referred on a 2 week pathway for post menopausal bleeding about 5 weeks ago. Had a TV scan and saw a Consultant within 10 days who said there was thickening of the lining of my uterus and that i needed to have a Hysteroscopy asap so that a tissue sample could be taken. They attempted to do a Hysteroscopy there and then but couldn't because of Cervical Stenosis. So I was referred to have the Hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic which I had done on Monday as a day case. I feel incredibly lucky to have had all these things completed in such a few weeks but I guess I'm just worried now because I didn't see anyone after the procedure so have no idea if anything was seen... I thought perhaps I'd get some feedback on the day (which might set my mind at ease) but I didn't. I also don't really know how I'll get the results... I'm so annoyed with myself for not asking at the time but I was so groggy from the anaesthetic that I didn't think to check. They just said I'd probably hear in a couple of weeks. Does anyone know, is it generally a phone call or letter, or a face to face appointment for results? 

  • It varies really but most seem to get their results face to face. That's what happened in my case anyway. They made an appointment to see the consultant and gave me the results then. It was quite a shock because I had at first been told I had a polyp. Sometimes they call you but mostly I think you get a letter to attend at the hospital.

    I hope you get something back soon but you could always chase the department to ask how it's going.

    Best wishes.

  • Thank you. That's reassuring. I know I'm very lucky that everything's being dealt with promptly so far... I just like to get things straight in my head about what to expect - helps me deal with the waiting Blush

    Wishing you all best.

  • Hi I was called back to clinic about 10 days after my procedure and they gave me my results face to face. 
    At the actual time he just said he had removed a polyp and took a sample. 
    good luck 

  • Hi LadyBird123, it varies from hospital to hospital. I had my hysteroscopy under GA as my first one under local “failed”. My consultant popped round afterwards to tell me that I’d get the results in two weeks’ time, and said I’d hear by phone. The day before the two weeks was up, I phoned his secretary to ask I’d still be getting my results by phone the next day. I believe in being proactive! She told me that my results had narrowly missed the last MDT and would have to wait till the next one, I asked what an MDT was as I had no idea. She explained that MDT stands for Multi Disciplinary Team and that they meet once a week to discuss results before the patient is given them. My MDT met on a Friday morning and my results had come in the previous Friday afternoon so would have to wait till the next one. And that’s what happened - I was phoned late morning the following Friday, immediately after the MDT had met. 

  • Thank you. I was kind of expecting some feedback on the day as to how the procedure went but it was a very busy ward that I was on. Fingers crossed my results will come through soon.

    All the best!

  •  I didn't know that either... that's really helpful info - thank you Blush 

    All the best!

  • It would be a good idea to phone your consultant’s secretary to ask (a) when and how you might hear and (b) on what day your MDT meets. Knowing (b) will especially help if you happen to need any further tests.

  • That's a good idea... I'm normally so organised - I don't know why I didn't have all these questions planned out before I saw the consultant this week. Nerves, I guess!

  • Hi LadyBird123

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I am sorry to hear of your hysteroscopy on Monday and I hope that you do not have to wait too long for the results. 

    I was phoned at home with my biopsy results around a week after it was done. I had arranged with the nurse that she would call me. I did have the option of being given an appointment to go in but I preferred to be told when I was at home and I also thought it would be quicker by phone. 

    There would be no harm in calling your hospital and asking how and when you are likely to have your results. If you have a preference you can also talk to them about it. There should be a number somewhere on the hospital discharge paperwork from Monday. 

    I hope that you are recovering ok from Monday. 

    It is hard to wait for results so please do ask if there is anything you want to know or any support you need.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you. I think I do have a number in my paperwork... I'll give them a call on Monday so that I can get things straight in my head. I am recovering well, thank you... I was certainly well looked after at the hospital.