Uterine cancer recovery

  • 8 replies
  • 62 subscribers

A year ago I had a full hysterectomy  then 4rounds of chemo,then 25 rounds of radiotherapy, finished radiotherapy  in November but I can hear and feel my heart pounding pains in legs and get very tired  anyone else with same experience  after treatment 

  • I haven't been through any of that but if you feel so bad, refer back to your GP and get some help asap. You have been through so much and need ongoing support.

  • I've tried that but it's been a waste of time,been waiting months for referrals (mris etc) all they say is it could be the effects that the treatments have given me

  • Oh, I am so sorry. It must be very hard to deal with - but at least you've had all the treatment, which should have cured the cancer. Sometimes the treatment seems as bad as the disease doesn't it? All I can suggest then is to go in a different direction to get support. Explore other options perhaps, like socialising and general counselling. The waiting lists for some things are long though as I understand but keep trying. You have done really well to get through all this and I admire that.

    Sending hugs.

  • I see you finished the treatment fairly recently. This means that full recovery might take a while longer. I have a serious pain condition (fibromyalgia) and have had pain management in the past. It helps a bit but there are also books on the subject which might help too. I joined the gym recently which helps. Good wishes.

  • Hi Knittynanna

    It is still early days after all that treatment. I had the same treatment as you.

    I did have some palpitations for a while after chemo finished but they have settled now. I also had (and still have) painful legs and mine is from the neuropathy caused by the chemo. Fatigue for me was worse for the first year after treatment and then has slowly improved. I still get the odd day even now. 

    I would suggest contacting your CNS. Mine was helpful in managing the side effects of treatment. Might be worth asking about blood tests as well. It took a fair while for my bloods to improve after the chemo and in the end I was on magnesium supplements and had a blood transfusion. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane that reassures me a lot to know it’s expected after treatment 

  • ThThank you for your advice I hope you feel better soon 

  • It all takes time and I found its about pacing myself. I used to talk to my CNS at each check up appointment and she has helped monitor everything. At times it can feel like progress is slow but when you look back at everything your body has gone through, its not surprising that healing takes time. Hopefully with the Spring weather on its way you can get out and about or even just sit out in the garden and get some fresh air- I found it really helped. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm