Biopsy and call to see consultant 10 days after

  • 7 replies
  • 60 subscribers

Hi. I'm new. I've read some of your discussions and it's good to know I'm not alone in the waiting and worrying. 

Went to see gp oct 24 about being tested for menopause as my mind and memory are shocking at the moment, I'm forever fatigue even after a good night sleep and I'd been spotting blood for every day for around six weeks. I have pcos so I'd just put it down to that.

Gp wanted me to have a ultrasound so was referred Oct 24, had ultrasound dec and then went back to gp to be told I was being referred to gynaecology as i was still bleeding. I went there Tuesday last week and then was surprised to be told that my lining is 11mm and I had two polyps. One they removed straight away which was around the cervix area but I have to go back to have the second one removed with local anesthetic in the womb. However, this morning I got a call for the consultant secretary asking to attend an appointment this Thursday. 10 days after the biopsy. They didn't say why, weather it was to have the polyp in my womb removed or what. Just could I attend this Thursday. 

Of course my head is worrying and I'm trying to keep clam, distracted myself with doing things but I am worried. Hence I'm awake at 1.15am not being able to go to sleep. 

How quick are results given if cancer is found? 

What have you experienced?  

22nd Jan update:

Hi. I called hospital today but could not get through to consultant. I did find out that I've been reffered to urgent referral clinic. And I had a NHS letter digital received today which looked very similar to the one I had last week. I think tomorrow maybe that I am having the second polyp removed from my womb and then wait for results. 

  • Hi Su2, you could always phone the hospital or your GP to ask? A week after my transvaginal ultrasound I had a hysteroscopy, so it’s possible it could be that? But it’s best to ask and check. 

  • Hi Su2

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    Its tough the waiting and can be a worrying time. 

    Perhaps the best idea is to give them a call this am and ask what the appointment is for. It could be for a number of things - but you could ask whether you can expect the polyp to be removed-so should you have someone take you and bring you home, it could be to take a further look with a little camera, it could be to discuss the previous biopsy. But rather than sit and worry, I would give them a call and just ask. Your GP may also be able to have a look on your notes to see. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for replying I will do that. 

  • Thank you I will do that 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Su2

    How are you now? What was the outcome of your visit?

  • Hi Diota. 

    Thank you for asking.

    I was told yesterday that I have cancer. I've just posted a full outcome in the Diagnosis and test section. 

    How are you?  

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Su2

    I'm glad you are here for support from those who understand. Heart eyes 

    (I am fine. I'm only here to get information because someone I know is about two days behind you)