Hi everyone.
I’m on here because I’m genuinely really worried and confused
So I have had completely regular periods since being a teenager, no unusual pains or cramps that I didn’t consider to be ‘normal’ on the first couple of days of my period. The last couple of years, I’ve had the heaviest periods with blood clots (a jelly like substance) but only lasting the first day and possibly the next sometimes. Then it’s a normal period and around 5-6 days. I would also sometimes get aching feelings in my legs around my period/when I was due on.
A few months ago I started to get tingling in my hands and after blood tests, they found out I had anaemia. I was then sent for an ultrasound transvaginal scan and they found fibroids and a cyst which they told me was simple. For the last 8 weeks I’d say, I’ve had intermittent bleeding and my actual period lasted 1 day then bleeding began days later. I am now bleeding heavily although I’m not due on my period for 9 days.
the intermittent bleeding has continued since my last ultrasound scan and I have also experienced severe pain during intercourse and also some pain in my left side which I think is my ovary. (Where my cyst is).
I had another transvaginal scan yesterday and they informed me the cyst is the same in size but it is not simple, it is complex and that my uterine lining is thickened.
My GP today told me it is 21mm and upon looking online it states this is a high chance it’s ‘malignant’. The gp informed me it doesn’t mean it is cancerous but I’ve had an urgent referral to the gynaecologist who is seeing me Wednesday for a ‘talk’ but not to immediately do a biopsy.
I am scared if I am honest and I am driving myself insane googling and trying to find out why my uterine lining could be thickened if it isn’t cancer. I’m bleeding heavily today, no pain just some mild cramps like I’m on a normal period.
The GP said my last scan showed my uterus was 4mm thickness and now 21mm and it could be my hormones. Would hormones make the thickness go up this much though? I can’t understand another reason why my uterus lining would be so thick in the middle of my cycle.
Thank you for any help and advice you have!
How about writing down the questions you need answers for, and ask the professional on Wednesday?
Eventually you will have answers and a plan for all your tomorrows.
While you wait, distract yourself. You could go for a walk, enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.
Have a lovely Tuesday!
Hi !
I'm still waiting on my results which is driving me quite frankly crazy and I've been bleeding since having the coil fitted so assume it's doing its job and thinning the lining down. I'm hoping to hear something within the next few days as it's been 4 weeks.
Hopefully they can give you some answers when you see them
Nic x
I’m almost in same position and the waiting is the worst, I’m terrible I google everything.
not sure what age you are , I’m 53, I have thick lining of 20mm in April last year, but in February it was only 5mm, I’ve had ultrasounds and mri, which I had privately as I was so worried, it showed I have adenomyosis, never heard of it till I googled.
i also 2 fibroids and after Hysteroscopy in October they found a 3 cm large polyp.
I was giving progesterone only pill to stop bleeding as I became anaemia as losing so much and wouldn’t stop.
its good that you are seeing someone quickly so they can do tests and give you some answers and a plan.
Really hope it all goes well, I would say don’t worry, but if your like me, you will until you get some idea f what’s what.
take care
Hey lovely.
Thank you for your reply. I’m 38. Have they done a biopsy on you? If so, when was this? Xx
They took a biopsy of the lining, i had results after about 2 weeks, they were fine, but still need to test polyp.
I had the Hysteroscopy in October, but not had polyp removed as yet as had infection and im also now going to see private Gynaecologist next week.
My uterus thickening was still 20mm after 10 days of bleeding non stop, so i thought it would be less, but it wasnt.
I looked online too, alot..it does sound scary and makes you think the worst, but you are being seen very quickly which is good.
Try not to worry, take carex
Don't think you saw my earlier reply.
Here is is again.
How about writing down the questions you need answers for, and ask the professional on Wednesday?
Eventually you will have answers and a plan for all your tomorrows.
While you wait, distract yourself. You could go for a walk, enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.
Have a lovely Tuesday!
Hello lovely,
I’m so sorry - I didn’t see it. I’ve just signed up to this and not sure how to navigate it haha.
That’s a great idea, I shall do that now! I’m feeling more positive today although my bleeding is super heavy.
2025 has been a really positive year so far after years of negativity and stress/anxiety so I am trying hard to continue this mindset and stop panicking and realise that there is always a solution to everything xx
Thank you for your reply. Did they say they had to wait until infection was fully gone until they could further investigate the polyp? Or can they remain there and just be checked?
What a stressful situation eh?! It’s the waiting that is the worst for everyone it seems. We just want answers now, haha.
Have you always had issues with bleeding or is it recent? They are saying I’m too young to be perimenopausal but I’m not too sure that’s accurate as many people my age (38) begin with symptoms.
I also saw that word - Adnymyosis on my GP notes in the back ground.
This is what my notes stated what they have sent me yesterday ….
I had to wait until infection cleared, it has got to be removed so they can check it, so I’m just waiting now.
not really had bleeding issues till about year ago, I knew things would change as I’m getting older and heading to menopause.
im not sure about age for perimenopause, I started having changes , more moods for a few years before all this.
im glad you are feeling more positive, I have up and down days, it’s a stressful time, I try to keep busy, but it’s there in the back of your mind, hard not to worry, even if your trying not to.
hopefully you will get answer at your appointment, I tend to write down questions too, as I’m sure I would forget to ask .
you take care.xx
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