Post hysteroscopy D and C 5 weeks ago still intermittent spotting

  • 3 replies
  • 61 subscribers

Hi everyone. I posted on this forum previously. I am 75 years old and very grateful and fortunate that my biopsy came back benign. My concern is that at this point  in recovery 5 weeks post procedure under GA and a large polyp and small polyps removal I am still experiencing intermittent brown spotting. i thought I was over this stage because for 4 or 5 days the is nothing. I think I am ok and then I experience brown like blood when wiping. Goes away and days latter returns as a single incident. Recently saw what appeared to be a very small clot in the toilet. Also notice when this happens possible mild period like feeling a couple of hrs to day prior. I understand it is normal to spot up to 4 to 6 weeks but I am nearing the six week mark so concerned. Has anyone experienced this? (Much thanks). 

  • Hi Joi

    Have you perhaps been more active when this has occurred? Just a thought.

    I would suggest best thing would to contact your hospital- you should have had some sort of discharge letter/report and on it there is likely to be a number to contact with any concerns. Alternatively you could ask to see GP. It sounds like it is not entirely unexpected but rather than worry about it, maybe get some reassurance. Or you could give the Support Line a call tomorrow and speak to one of the nurses who would be able to let you know what is best to do. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane for your reply. I am not in the UK so we have a different medical system. It happened one time when I was more active (your thought was right on target and what I thought too) but it happened when inactive too and I am now pretty much bed bound healing from a recent injury to my foot. I did speak with a nurse a few weeks ago about it and she said everyone is different but sometimes spotting can occur up to 6 weeks. I still have an other week to go before calling back. Just a bit anxious and wondering if anyone else experienced this and what was the outcome.  

  • Hopefully it will start to settle soon. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm