Telling family about your cancer

  • 4 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Hi , iv had my hysterectomy and results and fortunately no more treatment needed but I haven’t told my adult children , I need to for medical purposes I’m guessing but I keep putting it off .,Is it best to let them know I had cancer ?

  • Hi Laurenj

    I found it hard to tell family initially but I think that they would have been upset if I had kept it from them. 

    I would also have felt bad myself to keep it from them. I suppose really that this could be a good time to think about telling your grown up children as you could say words to the effect that you did not want to worry them until you had had all your results back. When I told my son, I was still going through diagnosis so when he asked if I would be ok, I couldn't honestly answer and that was hard. You have had your results back to say that the cancer has gone and no further treatment is needed so hopefully that would soften the blow a bit.

    It is of course your decision but unless there is any significant reason why not to tell them, I would go ahead. If you want to talk it though first, then perhaps give the Support Line a call. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Jane , I did Intend to leave it until I had the histology results but that was beginning of December and still haven’t managed to tell them , but I know I must and yes it’s good that I can say I’m ok thankfully . 

  • Its not an easy conversation to have and I kept putting it off to begin with, in the end I felt better once it was out in the open. For me thinking about telling them was actually worse than the conversation. Good Luck


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Laurenj, I’m sure you had good reasons for not telling them beforehand but I’d imagine that one of the first things rhey might say is why didn’t you tell us before - so it would be good to have an answer prepared. I didn’t tell mine till I had the results of the hysteroscopy and the staging MRI, and would have preferred not to tell them till the post op histology but didn’t think I could get away with having a hysterectomy without them noticing! Cancer can have a genetic factor and it would be a good idea to tell them  you’ve had it so that they can add it to their background medical history, as that’s one of the fairly standard questions.