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  • 62 subscribers

Hi, had a hyteroscopy on Monday and was halted half way through after finding large polyp.

I am now having a polypectomy, cuttridge of endometrium and biopsies on the 19th

I was anxious before the original appointment and am finding I am in increasing pain and becoming more concerned. 

The Dr was lovely but just kept saying it all has to come out, we don't want to miss anything and I left the appointment with a very uneasy feeling. 

I guess I am just seeking some reassurance, any tips on managing the next couple of weeks and the anxiety.

  • Hi Lucy699 welcome to the forum.i had a Hysteroscopy for Post Menopausal bleeding and it was cramps pain I had after it like period pains. I used Paracetamol and Heated pad to ease this. The anxiety is perfectly normal,  though not nice for you given what they have said..As to managing the waiting, the best way is to keep super duper busy and to keep doing your normal things. Sitting about gives us too much time to ruminate and not good for our Mental Health. I feel sure that some of the lovely folks on here will be along soon to offer up further support and information for you..


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  • Hi Lucy

    I remember being really anxious before my biopsy. It is only natural to feel worried when facing something like this. 

    What has happened is what I would expect to happen. They have seen a polyp using the little camera and it is safer for these to be removed. It would be normal to be referred to have the polyp removed and some samples taken from your endometrium. The samples would have likely been taken during the hysteroscopy- so its not an extra thing, its what would likely have happened if the polyp had not been found and the procedure halted.

    What they are doing is being really thorough, think of it more that they need to take the polyp out as it is causing symptoms and while they are in there they are doubly checking to see if any cancer cells are there. It is to rule out cancer and they always try to rule out the more serious potential causes first. Polyps can be benign. 

    With the pain, some could likely be from the procedure and also from having the polyp. I did have more pain after I had the biopsy procedure than I did before it. It was sort of crampy, a bit like period pain. My nurse explained it was like my womb knew something wasn't right (I had a lot of bleeding) and was trying to expel it- in the same way as when we had periods- the womb contracts to expel some of the lining/blood. 

    I would suggest that it may be an idea to contact your GP to ask about pain relief and what would be the most suitable ones to take. You could also call the Support Line to check with the nurses who would be able to help. I was told that it was fine to take over the counter paracetamol or ibuprofen and I did this, but perhaps double check before taking anything.

    It is tough waiting for the next step and I suppose I tried to keep to my normal routines and fairly busy. I would stay away from the internet and googling things. Its not helpful, can be scary and inaccurate.

    What is happening now, is what I would expect to happen, try not to worry too much at this stage- easier said than done, I know. But a hysteroscopy, biopsy and removal of a polyp is not an unusual procedure and does not necessarily mean that anything serious will be found. And if there was something that cropped up it is better to know and it can be treated.

    Do give the Support Line a call if you feel like chatting to someone would help.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks, I think I had set my hopes on having an answer at the appointment on Monday so had been holding everything in (if that makes sense). 

    Am.trying to keep busy and keeping away from the Internet and researching things. 

    Am going to throw myself in to christmas and all that entails, between that and work and the usual.mum stuff, I hopefully won't have much time for stewing and worrying. 

  • Thank you. 

    I am.constantly glued to my hot water bite at the moment, hopefully some of the pain will subside, fingers crossed.