1st cycle of Chemotherapy done

  • 4 replies
  • 62 subscribers

Had my first chemotherapy treatment today .

Paclitaxel and carboplatin

Thankfully no issues from the initial treatment. 

Staff were amazing can not thank them enough they were rushed of their feet ! 

But felt totally supported !! 

Home now , with my box of meds .. 

Been a long Day !,

In regards to hair loss when did it approximately occur .. 

  • Hi Cariad

    Am glad it went ok today. I had the same chemo. It is a long day.

    I noticed hair loss from around day 14. Body hair first.

    A couple of days before I noticed hair loss on my head, my scalp felt itchy, tight and tender. 

    In regards to other side effects they seemed to be from around day 3, when the steroids stopped. Any side effects I had tended to follow the same pattern. 



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  • Thank you Jayne for your reply. 

    It is a long day   even longer today as they had two members of staff of sick and only two out of four treatment rooms open, but you never would have known it the all tye staff were Fantastic. 

    Will look out for the signs of hairless.

    Another wig shop in the morning to see if I can find Winnie lol that's the name of my new wig 

    Best wishes Stella x 

  • I just finished my second treatment.  My hair loss from Paclitaxel/Carboplatin started on about Day 14 of the first cycle which is sooner than for many people.  I had a sore scalp for a couple of weeks.  I still have some fuzz on my head.  My eye lashes and eyebrows are still there for now.  Fortunately, I tolerated chemotherapy quite well so far.  My next session will not include the steroids or benedryl so it may not go as well.  I purchased a cheap wig to see if I could tolerate wearing one.  I bought a more comfortable wig at the cancer centre.  I find they move around on me so I tug at them.  I wear a cotton cap in the house and reserve the wig for when I am out of the house. 

  • Thank you for your reply x 

    My hair has virtually gone . Bit of bum fluff as they say .. 

    First 10 days were horrendous. Temp spiking so much joint and muscle pain , sickness mouth ulcers sore gums.  .. phoned Triage number a few times for reasurrance they were brilliant.. ended up in hospital a week ago for tests .. result I had covid ! 

    Antibiotics and antivirals given feel so much better ! 

    Thankfully now covid negative ! 

    2nd cycle due on the 18th Dec! 

    Best wishes to you x