Thickened endometrium

  • 18 replies
  • 64 subscribers

Hi all hope your all well I had a procedure to remove a poly last Wednesday they did not find a polyp in the end but found I had a thickened endometrium they have taken a biopsy and I am waiting for results I am so worried I have 4 children that need me and I can’t bare to think of them being without me has anyone else been in this situation and if it’s cancer what happens next many thanks Rebecca 

  • hey Rebecca, be positive, I was in the same situation 2 years ago this week. I thought I had polyps but sadly it was thickened lining, biopsy came back positive for cancer on 6th Dec and   they offered me a full hysterectomy on 21st Dec.  I kept telling myself that I was so lucky & thankful that I had insisted on being referred to hospital, as had I not been insistent to the doctor things would have got worse.

    it was stage 1a ,  I had a full.hysterectomy, & back to work 6 weeks later and 2 years on all is  still well. 

    keep yourself busy with christmas shopping and wrapping as this is what I did before the op.

    hopefully you don't have cancer at all , but just know that a hysterectomy is usually all  the treatment you need .

    sending prayers and hugs, be strong x

  • Thank you for your speedy response I’m so sorry to hear it turned out to be cancer can I ask when they did the hysterectomy is there a chance cancer can come back after the hysterectomy many thanks Rebecca 

  • They said full hysterectomy is effective in curing the cancer, I think this is dependent on the stage but  have had no problems since the op, apart from the normal menopause symptoms, as I had to stop my HRT, but that was a small price to pay .

    A friend of mine who was in the same situation as me at the same time has also had the all clear after the hysterectomy and she was stage 2 . so think positively about this, it will be on your mind every day as it was mine,  but hopefully you have caught this early and it hasn't advanced to cancer and can be treated.

    hope this helps xx

  • Thank you for your reply, I am worried sick it’s cancer and I am convinced it’s cancer did you have any symptoms? Sorry for all the questions just trying to get my head around it all 

  • Wave 

    Usual symptoms is abnormal bleeding and sometimes clear or pink discharge.

    Waiting for biopsy result is very hard but it will answer your question and inform your future treatment

    Fingers crossed Fingers crossed for you xo

  • Yes I had symptoms for about 6 months, I was on HRt but not getting on with it as well as others. Docs kept telling me(over the phone) to up my dose of eostrogen or reduce my dose....not very helpful.

    I had suffered for years with heavy periods and these hadn't stopped when I went on HRT.

    but the year leading up to my diagnosis I was struggling every month and knew something wasn't right, I thought fibroids or polyps. I also had terrible roseacea.

    • one morning I woke up and literally flooded the bed, I called the doctor who said go to a&e if it gets worse...I begged the docs for a referral and they gave in and requested it...the bleeding stopped that day and the hospital called me a few days later and I got an appt a week later, the ultrasound suspected polyps and so was booked in for the op but like you that didn't go ahead and they said it was thickened endometrium and had taken a biopsy.
    • xx
  • What sort of symptoms did you have then just heavy vaginal bleeding 

  • Hi booboo17

    Welcome to the Womb group.

    I can understand why you are worried and hope that you do not have to wait too long for your results.

    I think the thing to remember is that hyperplasia (thickened endometrial lining) can have different causes. Cancer can be a cause of the hyperplasia- but there are also other potential reasons for this to happen.

    I will pop a link with some info. 

    Endometrial Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    Although endometrial cancer can be present in a thickened lining, a lot of ladies experience bleeding as the symptom that makes them go to be checked. 

    From the biopsy there are usually 3 possible outcomes. Either cancer is present or there are cells that in time could become cancer, or there is no cancer. 

    If it does turn out to be a cancer then it is far better to catch it at an early stage and then for most people endometrial cancer is very treatable. Most ladies are offered a hysterectomy. This can be followed up with further treatment to reduce the risk of recurrence/mop up any stray cells. I had chemo and radiotherapy. 

    If there is cancer present then the next step is normally a scan and the purpose of this is to see where the cancer is exactly and if there is any spread. Once the scan results come back then it would be an appointment to discuss a treatment plan. 

    If there is no cancer present, sometimes ladies are offered a repeat biopsy to double check for any changes. 

    Hope this helps, if there is anything you want to ask, please do so.

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • yes, mainly heavy bleeding and some discharge, but also menopausal symptoms which didn't seem to be helped by taking HRT, not sure if this was related but I guess it was because I had eostrogen imbalance .

    I also had a full CT and MRI to check if there was any sign of cancer elsewhere before they did the surgery.

  • I have had my ct scan mri on Saturday will they offer you surgery  if elsewhere I am really worried not sleeping and carnt focus on anything else at the moment