5 days post op hysterectomy..

  • 5 replies
  • 64 subscribers

Unsure where to post and thought it comes under general thoughts now I’ve had my op. 

this is day 5 and I’ve been absolutely marvellous since coming out. I’ve even coped with bowel movements, walking, tiredness etc. however … I’m struggling with my emotions which is making everything 10x worse. Am struggling with heparin injections (for 28 days so a way to go yet), my head is in a fog, literally, my legs feel like lead (though am injecting into tops of legs ?) and so very tearful all the time. I also seem to be a bit incontinent especially through the night (though I have a cystocele which I was awaiting a consultation for before all this). 
Could a cancer nurse help with all this rather than GP ? Am coping with any pain with paracetomol and ibruprofen. .. and should I be taking laxatives once a day now that bowels have moved - I took lots per day before that. 

  • Morning Drina, bless you! It’s a lot to take on board. I took no laxatives at all - just waited for it to happen naturally (was day 4) so there’s no requirement to take them! If it was me I’d call the ward re the incontinence as I was told to contact them direct with any post op issues, and I’d definitely suggest you call your CNS re how you’re feeling. Are you managing to get outside for a walk or two each day? That should help with your mental health. The MacMillan Support Line is also brilliant. I can’t comment re the jabs as I chose not to have them, at my own risk of course, but got active instead. 

  • Hi Drina

    On your discharge paperwork there should be some phone numbers to call during the post op period. I would in the first instance call them and speak to one of the nurses, and just share how you are feeling. They would much rather know about these things and will want to help. 

    I also found my emotions a bit all over the place - its almost like you keep going while all the diagnosis and tests are done and don't have time to think. I think the anaesthetic also affected me. 

    With the injections- they are not nice and I found it better to do them in the am and get them out of the way- otherwise I would be thinking about them. I found alternating sides of my tummy helped so I was injecting in the same place 2 days in a row. You could try holding something cold on your tummy for a few minutes first to numb the area. I also found putting in the needle slowly at a 45 degree angle best and then removing it slowly. There was less stinging and pain. 

    With your bowels and the incontinence then speak with the hospital ward/CNS. I wonder if the taking lots of laxatives may have had an accumulative effect. They can also talk about what type of laxatives may be best going forward if you feel you need them. I was advised to use stool softeners for the first couple of days if needed. 

    I found with my emotions chatting it through helped but also going outside for some fresh air. Walking helped me.

    Perhaps also give the Support Line a call and have a chat about things. They are lovely on there. You could always do it before calling the hospital if you want to prepare what to say. Number is below.

    I hope that you start to feel a bit brighter and more comfortable soon. its all a lot to have happen and 5 days is early still in your recovery.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thankyou both - it’s good to just get a different perspective on this as I thought I’d cracked it - maybe a bit disappointed I haven’t moved forward more after a sterling start. I’ve been actually out for a walk at lunchtime though surprised how little I could sustain - different to pottering about in the house. I’ll do it again tomorrow as was better in fresh air. Think I will drop laxatives now as seem to be working under my own steam. Am normally sooo active if I can get that going again I may not need so many injections ? And yes I think I’ll try to speak to the Nurse - husband put me off a bit he thought they wouldn’t know. Maybe I feel a little adrift after all the attention. 

    thank-you Jane and MarmiteFan ..

  • Hi I got used to the jabs - think tummy is a little easier. I’d broken my foot just after diagnosis so had to do the jabs for 5 weeks then - really couldn’t be very active with a boot on although I tried!! Re walking I tried to do 5 minutes more each day - the fresh air made me feel loads better.

  • I certainly had some post op euphoria. Relief that it's over but then there's a bit of a realisation I wasn't going to be skipping about just yet. I think a lot of us find out emotions are affected.

    I found the injections easier after I also started to chill the area first. It made a big difference to doing them. 

    A chat through with a nurse can  really help I've found. Concerns can soon be addressed. In the meantime sending you best wishes.